Joakim Noah- Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
When he first came to the Bulls out of Florida, I couldn't stand the guy and hated everything about him. Now, nothing about the way he plays has changed, and he's slowly becoming one of my favorite Chicago players (aside from Rose).

There's nothing pretty about any part of his game (or appearance for that matter) however the guy does nothing but work his *** off, do all the little things, and constantly come up with huge plays while getting in the head of his opponents on a night to night basis. The guys so hard blue collar, but his game is so ugly it's almost a love/hate thing with no gray area. Thoughts.
As I recall, Jon and many others had similar thoughts. I dont follow Bulls much any more but glad to see them doing well and want them to beat Miami.

Noah has certain attitude. He will never be THE star but he works hard and knows how to win.
Noah is a classic "love him if hes on your team and hate him if hes not on your team" type of player

I'm not a Bulls fan but I've always respected the way he plays. I never thought he would be this good of an NBA player. Most every NBA Championship team needs a role player like Noah who will do the dirty work at all times.

Obviously Rose is the key to this Bulls team but you can argue that Noah is far and away their 2nd most important player
I was a big proponent of them not trading him for Carmelo; glad that worked out. While it would have been nice to get a second scorer, they made the right call.
I was a big proponent of them not trading him for Carmelo; glad that worked out. While it would have been nice to get a second scorer, they made the right call.

Having Carmelo and Boozer up front would have been a disaster for a Thibodeau coached team. You need to have guys buy in to his defensive system and that would have never happened with Carmelo.
The guy just keeps growing on me. I keep expecting over time his game to get prettier, but realize it never will, but at the same time there's just something about him that grows on me. Over two years I've gone from despising the guy to him truly being one of my favorite players on the team. I just can't figure it out.
The big key to my change of heart about Noah was when he called out LeBron for dancing on the sideline last year in Cleveland. Right or wrong, Noah stood up for his team and teammates and called out an opponent that almost everyone else coddled. It is Noah's attitude as much as anyone else's that has become the team attitude for the Bulls and will make them a title contender for the foreseeable future.
The big key to my change of heart about Noah was when he called out LeBron for dancing on the sideline last year in Cleveland. Right or wrong, Noah stood up for his team and teammates and called out an opponent that almost everyone else coddled. It is Noah's attitude as much as anyone else's that has become the team attitude for the Bulls and will make them a title contender for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, the calling out of James was awesome. Maybe that's why Lebron never answered Noah's calls when he was trying to convince him to come to Chicago.
I'm a Bulls fan and it took a while for this guy to grow on me but he's just a guy that is willing to do anything to win and he's a great athlete, not many times will you see a 7 foot guy running the break like you did last night.