Jercure, thanks!


Well-Known Member
This clown went back on December 29 and gave a thumbs down to all of my previous posts, going back, I think, months. Just wanted to say thank you!
This clown went back on December 29 and gave a thumbs down to all of my previous posts, going back, I think, months. Just wanted to say thank you!

Did the same to me. So did mysteron. Between the two of them they account for over 100 of my dislikes. JDM told me I was "weak" for bringing it up.:(
I, too was a victim of Jercure and his insatiable need to thumbs down posts. We should start a support group. We are not alone.
He's getting all my posts as I type this. Not a big deal. Just can't believe someone's that bored.
It's that cyfan insecurity thing. Over 90% of my down votes are from cyfans who don't post anything they just want to down vote. If that isn't the most pathetic thing I've seen from a rivals message board I don't know what is. My guess is they went to cyfan for the circle jerk and they found out they were woefully deficient in that area they decided to do something to make them happy. They probably missed out on their happy meals and Sesame Street wasn't on.
He had also gotten me too a couple months ago. Threw my ratio waaaaay out of whack. He is definitely a delta bravo of the worst kind.

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