JDM Videos


Well-Known Member

Not sure if its the fake background or the lack of sound (I have tried and dont think its possible to get sound) but these automatic videos make you look "different". Something is amiss and I think I finally figured it out

I have been staring at the "face off" video all week trying to figure out what was wrong. For the 1st time ever you are wearing an undershirt. Without the extreme amount of chest hair you look 25 and with no sound I just cant take you seriously.

If you could wear no undershirt and fix the sound issue by the ISU game I would appreciate it

Concerned Residents of HawkeyeNation
The bluescreen crap is weird, but JDM doesn't want to hear that, i'm sure.

How about the video with no sound where he is facing off with some weird looking guy in a green shirt?

More importantly, did JDM shave his chest? Why is he hiding the chest fro?

This is what we expect

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox_lNgAQbjE]Prediction: Iowa vs Penn State - YouTube[/ame]
I have worn undershirts since college, which was a long time ago.
There is no green screen involved with the side by side vids.
Rob needs to get a microphone for these.