JDM says "Turf toe" for RDM

I wonder who makes the call on that? Does FM say, "Up to you, Dev. You wanna sit or play?"
Or does Fran make the call? Or doctors? Combination?

Does he make a poll on HN perhaps?
I wonder who makes the call on that? Does FM say, "Up to you, Dev. You wanna sit or play?"
Or does Fran make the call? Or doctors? Combination?

Does he make a poll on HN perhaps?

not sure how much call Fran has. it's more of a Dev/Dr situation.
all the things i was hearing then was an ankle sprain. like a weird game of telephone i guess.

Since when? I know I have commented on it in a few threads bashing on Dev recently. Think I heard it on the call in show or something and then its been around on le twitter. Not trying to be a smart@$$ I just figured if my non informational posting tavern hok self had heard about it everyone had.
Since when? I know I have commented on it in a few threads bashing on Dev recently. Think I heard it on the call in show or something and then its been around on le twitter. Not trying to be a smart@$$ I just figured if my non informational posting tavern hok self had heard about it everyone had.

the talk around my work was ankle sprain. not sure where someone heard it. forth hand info i guess.
not sure how much call Fran has. it's more of a Dev/Dr situation.

Only when it comes to whether Fran can play him. If he's cleared, but Fran still doesn't think he should play, he can sit him down. No coach is forced to play anyone.
Only when it comes to whether Fran can play him. If he's cleared, but Fran still doesn't think he should play, he can sit him down. No coach is forced to play anyone.

definitely. i meant that Fran can only play him if he's cleared. thankfully the sports community has started to realize that most (if not all) coaches aren't qualified to make health decisions. you would be surprised (or maybe not) how some of the area coaches i work with just don't understand how rehab works and would throw a kid out there when he's far from ready.

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