James Harrison Retiring?

You could try tackling someone instead of trying to take their head off. That would be a start.

I understand it's a contact sport, but some of these guys play like they're really out to permanently remove players from the field.
Fine. Call his bluff and say something like "well, if he honestly cannot play under the rules, then he really should retire. Best wishes to James Harrison in his future endeavors."

If anyone is a fan of the TV sitcom "According to Jim" ... there is an episode where Jim watches 'emotional' movies because Cheryl wants to see his emotional side, but when he actually likes them and cries, she views him as a big baby dressed in babies' clothes whining and crying. This pretty much sums up how I view James Harrison at this moment.
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After this year let him go ahead and retire. The steelers are paying him gazillion dollars anyway. It just frees up more money for the steelers to pay Lamar Woodley. The Steelers can find linebackers in their sleep, free agency, draft, it doesn't matter as good as Harrison is, they can find someone else to replicate his production.

If he wants to retire on principle........let him once the season concludes.
Just goes to show you that if he doesn't know how to play the game right then he is just truly out there head hunting and trying to hurt people....hope he does retire.
Has anybody read this article, about Harrison contemplating this because he says he doesnt know how to play the game now that they are fining him. The link is below.

James Harrison of Pittsburgh Steelers, in wake of fine, says he's considering retirement - ESPN

I think this just goes to show some of the ignorance that exists in athletics. Twice I have heard interviews with Harrison since his fine and honestly, I was thinking: "What an idiot."

Football is all he knows. He is not retiring. It is just a player taking it one step further. I chalk Harrison down as one of those players that when the dust settles and he is no longer in the spotlight, he won't know what to do with himself. Dude isn't retiring. He knows. Everyone who knows it. Just an idiotic comment; as idiotic as his comments immediately after Sunday's big hits. All of this sensitivity floating around about the topic and the idiot comes out and says he plays to hurt people ... Just a complete idiot. Very talented on the field but not so talented in the social skills aspect.
what a crybaby. seriously, wow

Exactly the guy is a total ****** and an idiot for trying to act like he doesn't know the difference between a legal hit and one wear a guy is taking a cheap shot and then to go on all the radio shows with the poor me act just adds to it all.

It isn't like it's tough to tell who is trying to hurt somebody and when something happens by accident. Both of his hits on Sunday were dirty as hell and he knows it.

I say take your ball and go home like a 10 year old if you don't like the rules.
I don't get what is so damn hard about doing things the right way? Sure there's going to be incidental shots (particularly between the tackles when a back is lowering his shoulder), but that's not where we see most of these hits. Put a shoulder in the guy's chest, wrap up, and you can still get on SportsCenter. There's no rule that says you can't still hit like a freight train using the correct fundamentals. That's how Bob Sanders has done it for a long time. He always wraps up. He just knocks the guy's lights out because he hits that hard. THOSE the kind of hits that should be celebrated, not the garbage we see now.
I listened to this interview last night on the radio and truly believe that Mr. harrison has taken too many hits to the head or is mentally challenged.

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