Jaleel Johnson...

The next 3 scheduled ACT tests are April 14th, June 9th, and Sept 8th (Which would be too late)

There was also a test on Feb 11th.. not sure if he did a retake there or not.

Dude, you should get a fake ID and take it for him. D. Rose style. Chicago style. Come on, man, take one for the team.
Just another example of why these types of tests are culturally biased. African-Americans often have names that are more difficult names to spell than their white peers.

"I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it is culturally biased; Actually I'm gonna give him partial credit for that"

Dangerous Minds

"l don't know. man. Them tests are culturally biased",

Blue Chips
Mark it now! Jaleel will NOT get an 18 on the ACT and will NOT see Kinnick Stadium from the inside as a Hawkeye player EVER.
I think he makes it. I don't think he needs 23 to do it though. I have to believe you can get in with an 18 as an athlete right?

Let's "Blind Side" the dude and do round the clock tutoring.
If we were in the SEC we wouldn't have to worry about this crap

If our focus was solely on winning we wouldn't have to worry about this crap. "Hmm...your test scores say this...let's just overlook that".

Either way, I'm not worried about it, he'll get in.
Why can't we just admit partial qualifiers like they do @ tOSU? Or is that an outdated rule, or something?
When I was playing each team was only allowed a certain number of partial qualifiers, I think it was 2. I'm not positive on the number, though. That was a while ago, so things may have changed.
When I was playing each team was only allowed a certain number of partial qualifiers, I think it was 2. I'm not positive on the number, though. That was a while ago, so things may have changed.

There is a limit, although Im not sure of the number. That is the reason we landed DJK. OSU had room for 1 more partial qualifier and they had to choose between Ray Small and DJK. They picked Small and DJK came here.

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