I've been going back and forth on this.....

My first inclination is to say, "If we want to sit at the big boy table we've got to hire a big boy coach." However, I'm not sure that's the correct answer, in and of itself. Guys like Lute Olson back in the day and Bo Ryan currently had killer success and they didn't come from a "major" conference. Same with KF on the football side. Plus, I think the answer is probably different for different programs (i.e. does the program reside in a natural recruiting hot bed, etc). So what should we really be looking for, besides names. I almost wonder what it would look like to do a "blind" assessment....meaning, give a list of 5 or 6 coaches, but no names, just stats. If that were the case, what would be important? Here is my list:

1. Natural ties. I think it's important that the next coach have either ties to Iowa or to the Big 10. If they had both, that would be even better. To understand the Big 10, it's schools, it's recruiting spots, etc plus understanding Iowa and it's culture and strengths and challenges gives you a leg up when building the program.

2. Proven success over time. This is important as it separates those with "one hit wonders" from those with consistent results. It also shows success at getting the right recruits in on a regular basis. A lot of people can hit a home run with one class and have that carry over a few years later into conference and NCAA tourney success. Those that do it consistently show an ability to get good kids on a regular basis and coach them up.

3. Career progression. I think it's important that a coach has "paid his dues" so to speak, rather than being born on 3rd base and thinking they hit a triple (Quinn Snyder, Tommy Amaker, Steve Alford, etc). Guys like Bo Ryan or Bruce Pearl or Kirk Ferentz have seen it all and done it all. I think that makes for a better, more well-rounded coach

4. Good eye for assistants. This is important as assistants spend more time recruiting, working with players and game planning than the head coach does. A great coach is often times only as good as the men he surrounds himself with (see Kirk Ferentz on one end and Steve Alford/Tood Lickliter on the other end).

5. NCAA Tourney success. In this day and age of ESPN, bracketology, Road to the Final Four, etc, a program is no longer really judged in the public by how many conference titles they've won, but how well they've done in the NCAA Tournament. Most people probably can't tell you how many conference titles Gonzaga has won or probably even what conference they're in. But EVERYONE that even casually follows college basketball knows about Gonzaga because they've performed when the world was watching. That, in turn, leads to recruiting successes that you may not have had otherwise, if not for great showings in the Big Dance.
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That is a decent starting point for narrowing the field,Raw.
When you look at the successful coaches at Iowa in either football or bb...they have had good coaching staffs. Like Hayden was never afraid of hiring ambitious,upwardly bound guys...''I don't want an assistant that does not want to get my job someday'' type of guys. KF has put together a great staff of some guys who have been head coaches or around forever. We do not want a guy who is too insecure to hire great guys.

If Lick had brought the top assistants,like Stevens and Graves with him to Iowa,ie,they were so loyal to him they wanted to come, it might have made a big diff.
SA and Lick both came by themselves basically and filled in the staff with cronies or relatives. Not good. Cannot happen again. If a guy comes from a smaller job, he better either have his top guys that helped him build that program with him, or outside Norm Parker types or recruiting heavy hitters brought in.'' This aint no disco,this aint no fooling around.''
That is a decent starting point for narrowing the field,Raw.
When you look at the successful coaches at Iowa in either football or bb...they have had good coaching staffs. Like Hayden was never afraid of hiring ambitious,upwardly bound guys...''I don't want an assistant that does not want to get my job someday'' type of guys. KF has put together a great staff of some guys who have been head coaches or around forever. We do not want a guy who is too insecure to hire great guys.

If Lick had brought the top assistants,like Stevens and Graves with him to Iowa,ie,they were so loyal to him they wanted to come, it might have made a big diff.
SA and Lick both came by themselves basically and filled in the staff with cronies or relatives. Not good. Cannot happen again. If a guy comes from a smaller job, he better either have his top guys that helped him build that program with him, or outside Norm Parker types or recruiting heavy hitters brought in.'' This aint no disco,this aint no fooling around.''

If you look at Mr. Davis, he had Pearl, Gary Close and Rich Walker.....all 3 were top notch assistants. Contrast that with Alford when he had his dad, Greg Lansing and Brian Jones. It wasn't until Alford brought Noodles on board that he was able to get anywhere.....by then, it was too late.

New guy HAS TO have great assistants.
While I completely agree with everything you guys are saying, Ferentz didn't exactly set the world on fire with his assistant hires his first year. Most Iowa fans thought they were terrible hires. Everyone wanted Chuck Long, Bob Elliot, etc...

So we can't get ****** when the assistants are not Jess Settles, Kevin Gamble and Bobby Hansen.
While I completely agree with everything you guys are saying, Ferentz didn't exactly set the world on fire with his assistant hires his first year. Most Iowa fans thought they were terrible hires. Everyone wanted Chuck Long, Bob Elliot, etc...

So we can't get ****** when the assistants are not Jess Settles, Kevin Gamble and Bobby Hansen.

Actually, I've loved KF's assistants. Norm Parker, Phil Parker, O'Keefe, Philbin, Aiken, Kaczinski, etc. They're top notch guys, know their craft, and aren't there because of nepotism or because they're "yes men". I don't care if the new basketball assistants are Iowa guys or not....I just want them to be GOOD.
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Whoever Barta hires HAS to understand Iowans and Iowa City. The person doesn't have to be a Johnny Orr extrovert but he cannot be a prototypical introvert like Lickliter. He has to understand the people because if he is successful people are not going to leave him alone. Ferentz understands that and somehow was and is able to adjust to that. Lute Olsen loved the attention but wanted it on his terms and that is not going to happen in Iowa.

The new coach will have to love the I-circuit and rubbernecking with Iowans, perhaps even taking the team out to play around the state like earlier Iowa teams did when they were so popular.

The new coach will have to bring some good assistants with him, assistants that know how to recruit, that know their way around the recruiting circuit, that have ties.

The new coach will need to come in and overwhelm the players and new recruits and get them excited about playing, some will be playing new positions perhaps (Cougil).

The new coach will just need to get fans excited about Iowa bb again to where fans will want to come back to Carver and watch and support his team and the players.

In other words, the new coach has to bring hope and fun back to Iowa bb.

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