Ivan Maisel has Iowa Rated #2


Well-Known Member
On the Heard this morning Ivan Maisel gave Iowa a lot of love saying that he has Iowa #2 and that the D-line and O-line are very solid and should beat OSU this year in Kinnick. He has Alabama #1

People are taking notice and we are no longer under the radar. Every game Iowa plays this year is HUGE. It is nice to have the praise but the pressure these guys have on them is immense. They can either fold under the pressure or step up and show everyone that Iowa is a top program.

Go Hawks! Blow out AZ!!!!!!!
Good thing they had last year to prepare them for this year. The pressure is intense, but I expect there will be a little more breathing room in games this year.
Don't see how you could possibly rank Iowa over OSU at this point.

He feels Iowa is the better team, so why wouldn't he rank us ahead of OSU? He's had us that high for quite awhile, it's not like we jumped people to get that high in his mind.
Maisel has consistently had Iowa in his top 5, going back to the end of last season when iirc he predicted Iowa in the NC game this year. That's not going to change as long as we keep winning. :)
Imagine having this from every talking head at every major media outlet. If we come out and handily dismantly AZ, we'll be the new "darling" of CFB. Frankly, I can't wait.
He feels Iowa is the better team, so why wouldn't he rank us ahead of OSU? He's had us that high for quite awhile, it's not like we jumped people to get that high in his mind.

Just my opinion.

1) They beat us last year
2) They returned just as much, if not more than we did. including a senior heisman candidate QB and i think they returned 10 of 11 on defense (not sure where i heard that or if it is 100% accurate)
3) They have a more impressive resume this year (albeit very brief).
On the Heard this morning Ivan Maisel gave Iowa a lot of love saying that he has Iowa #2 and that the D-line and O-line are very solid and should beat OSU this year in Kinnick. He has Alabama #1

People are taking notice and we are no longer under the radar. Every game Iowa plays this year is HUGE. It is nice to have the praise but the pressure these guys have on them is immense. They can either fold under the pressure or step up and show everyone that Iowa is a top program.

Go Hawks! Blow out AZ!!!!!!!

I think Iowa is still under the radar a little bit. This is the only game between ranked teams this weekend, but you wouldn't know it by watching ESPN; the two games they're promoting are Notre Dame/MSU and Texas/Texas Tech.

Maybe it's because of the late start and the other two games featuring marquee teams, but to not give this game any run at all seems a bit odd.
No offense to you, but who really cares what any self-proclaimed "expert" thinks at this point in the season? If there is one thing for certain in college football, it is that the "experts" such as Lee Corso, etc. prognosticate largely based upon how teams did the year prior.

We will know much more about how good our lines are (as well as the rest of the team) after Saturday night.
Just my opinion.

1) They beat us last year
2) They returned just as much, if not more than we did. including a senior heisman candidate QB and i think they returned 10 of 11 on defense (not sure where i heard that or if it is 100% accurate)
3) They have a more impressive resume this year (albeit very brief).

Well yes but..............
Just my opinion.

1) They beat us last year
2) They returned just as much, if not more than we did. including a senior heisman candidate QB and i think they returned 10 of 11 on defense (not sure where i heard that or if it is 100% accurate)
3) They have a more impressive resume this year (albeit very brief).

Pryor is a junior, who is only a Heisman cadidate because of ONE game's performance and the incredible amount of hype that he arrived on campus with. No other player with his on-field resume would be a serious Heisman candidate right now.

Perhaps Maisel is of the opinion that Iowa would have won the game last year had Stanzi been in the lineup (I don't think so, but there are plenty who do)?

They lost 3 starters on defense: Thaddeus Gibson, and both of their safeties, including Kurt Coleman, who was the guy that really made that defense tick last year. And one of their safeties this year got hurt (I don't remember if it's season-ending or not though).

Maisel has thought we would have the better team since last spring. It's not like he's changed his mind and put us ahead of OSU in the last couple weeks.
Pryor is a junior, who is only a Heisman cadidate because of ONE game's performance and the incredible amount of hype that he arrived on campus with. No other player with his on-field resume would be a serious Heisman candidate right now.

Perhaps Maisel is of the opinion that Iowa would have won the game last year had Stanzi been in the lineup (I don't think so, but there are plenty who do)?

They lost 3 starters on defense: Thaddeus Gibson, and both of their safeties, including Kurt Coleman, who was the guy that really made that defense tick last year. And one of their safeties this year got hurt (I don't remember if it's season-ending or not though).

Maisel has thought we would have the better team since last spring. It's not like he's changed his mind and put us ahead of OSU in the last couple weeks.

Fair enough. I do agree that Pryor is completely overrated simply because of the Rose Bowl last year. Still i just can't put us ahead of OSU at this point.
Just my opinion.

1) They beat us last year
2) They returned just as much, if not more than we did. including a senior heisman candidate QB and i think they returned 10 of 11 on defense (not sure where i heard that or if it is 100% accurate)
3) They have a more impressive resume this year (albeit very brief).

Maybe he feels that the OSU v Iowa game being in Kinnick this year will tilt two fairly even teams (OT last year) in Iowa's favor so he has us rated higher.
I would like to think that I don't care what people say and just let the game be played, but there have been too many times when that is just not enough. With the system we have in college football perception from media, coaches/ADs, and fans drives the polls more so than wins and losses. People put teams in bowl games not wins. We should have been playing in the Fiesta Bowl last year, but people thought that they could make more MONEY if they switched it up regionally.

So I want as many people as possiable to think that we are the second best team in the country for as long as possiable and maybe just maybe that will be enough to get us to another BCS game or GOD HELP US a shot at the BCS Title.

Just my opinion.
Maybe he feels that the OSU v Iowa game being in Kinnick this year will tilt two fairly even teams (OT last year) in Iowa's favor so he has us rated higher.

I would completely understand someone saying they think Iowa will beat OSU. Just not ranking them ahead of them currently.

But really it's just my opinion and if i were putting together an AP ballot I wouldn't take into account a game to be played on 11.20
Don't see how you could possibly rank Iowa over OSU at this point.

I see how someone that watched both the Iowa and the OSU games last week could rank Iowa over OSU.

Although OSU's defense looked tough, OSU's offense is pretty unimpressive. Basically, it's the QB sneak show. Saine and Herron rushed for a combined 73 yards and 1 TD on 26 carries (i.e., 2.8 ypc). Pryor throwing the ball was 12/27 (44%) for 233 yards and 1 TD.

Iowa, on the other hand, looked dominant against ISU, imposing their will in such a way that the game was over by the end of the 1st quarter.

Granted, Miami is a better team than ISU, but I don't think anyone from the ACC is really a force to be reckoned with this year. The cream of the ACC crop all lost last week (e.g., VT, GT, FSU, Miami, Virginia all lost last week).

Put simply, I think Ivan is one of the few voters that has a clue.
I would completely understand someone saying they think Iowa will beat OSU. Just not ranking them ahead of them currently.

But really it's just my opinion and if i were putting together an AP ballot I wouldn't take into account a game to be played on 11.20

Again, if he's picked us to play 'Bama in the title game (which he picked a LONG time ago), then he should put us at #2. It makes no sense to put your pick for the championship game at #9.

If you don't think we will play for it all, that's perfectly fine (I admit it's a long shot). By all means you can put OSU in front of us if that's the case.
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Again, if he's picked us to play 'Bama in the title game (which he picked a LONG time ago), then he should put us at #2. It makes no sense to put your pick for the championship game at #9.

If you don't think we will play for it all, that's perfectly fine (I admit it's a long shot). By all means you can put OSU in front of us if that's the case.

I see where you're coming from, I just don't view polls as a "where you think they will finish" i view them as a "where they are right now"

We've both said our piece. Cheers
Your point is well taken about the subjective aspects of getting to a bowl game.

With all due respect, I think you might be a bit unrealistic about chances for a National Championship, at least at this point. We would cross that road IF and when we get even close. At this point, all this National Championship (or even BCS) talk is pure speculation as we haven't even played a worthy opponent.

We will know much more about where we stand after this weekend.

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