Bluebook's about UFOs. The real explanation of UFOs, of course, has nothing to do with intergalactic travel--they are actually the sons of God, who interbred with the daughters of men...fallen angels, if you will, that begot the Nephilim--giants of the old testament. God smited the Nephilim and their earthly perversions with natural disasters (the great flood). The fallen angels of course were actually powerful, malevolent beings from the larger consciousness system, not associated with any particular doctrinal text or cosmology. The proof of the NPMR (non-physical matter reality) can be gleaned through physics experiments, such as the double-slit experiment and novel experiments currently conducted by Thomas Campbell.
Investigating any of these cosmological and ontological arguments via youtube will be more enjoyable and informative than anything produced by the History channel. Hawkleberry's humble opinion.