It's Barta's job to hire a coach that wins

Barta has one job: To operate the athletic department at a profit. He is doing that very well.

Kirk Ferentz is going to be the coach at Iowa until Ferentz decides not to be the coach. That is reality. To deny it is just stupid, and to imply that changes should be made puts you in fantasyland.

Ferentz just recruited one of the best classes in Iowa football history, on top of good classes the past two years. He is rebuilding this program. Relax and enjoy the ride and quit whining like a little kid.
This seems to be a very random time to post this. A month after the season is over when we are having a very good recruiting class.

Are you certain about this? The Analysts don't think so much of our class. And you should never cross the have no idea of the damage they can do.

Look at Boise's class: it's very Iowa-like with one exception...they do not stock up on LB/TE type stem cell players from Grundy Center or Aplington-Pburg. They have a speed paradigm as well as size. Betcha Boise's class enjoys more relative success over the next 4 years. Including the work-in-progress WRs Iowa signed.

I say fire everyone involved and release the records.
Uh... nope.

Barta's #1 job is to operate the athletic department profitably. Hiring a
football coach who wins is only a spoke in that wheel. A big spoke, but
just a spoke.

Let me remind you of my OP.. I said, in essense, when the coach wins, fannies fill up stadium seats... naturally. It's also logical.

Jeeze, do some Iowa fans fill Kinnick because they like Ferentz's fart comments - his political affiliations?

It's bad enough getting some fans fired up. Now I have to read for them as well?
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.. Sorry. In your first post, you said that success is the key to bringing fans to the stadium. Now, apparently, fans are the key to bringing success. I think you had it right the first time.

Backsliding? Since when? The 2010 Orange Bowl? I disagree with your assessment that Iowa is backsliding. In my opinion, Iowa is stagnant at worst.

Here's another one that doesn't read. Who refuses to read certain posts?
You know, if you want to make snide comments about my post, at least, read it first... be informed...

What I posted is: coaches are most important to the success of a football program and the fan base can also be important (in tOSU's case but not Iowa's case if you read some Iowa fan apologists).

What would you call going from an 11-2 season to consecutive 8-5 & 7-6 seasons if it's not backsliding? Huh?
EDIT: Do I get it? Is the 8-5, 7-6 season good enough for you?
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Boise State would have 2-4 more losses a year in the Big Ten.

And that would still calculate to a higher mean number of wins per year than KF has accumulated.

I'm not saying fire the guy. But his obstinacy in refusing to acknowledge reality is a bit exasperating. Pederson actually seems to try to win games as opposed to scheming not to lose. That is a very different approach.

You can appreciate Eisenhower's coddling of Montgomery during WWII, but Patton was the guy who inspired his men, and that proactivity is infectious. Patton was gung ho to win; Eisenhower wanted just not to lose.
People want to believe that we are a coach away from being OSU, when we are more likely a coach away from being Minnesota.

sucks that KF is so happy with 7-5 that he has just sat on his arse and has not recruited any players. :rolleyes:

post of the year. 100% agree.
Believe me, some posts on this thread are so laughable. So 'cooterish'.
Some fans are so 'uninspired'.

What would happen if KF didn't recruit any players? Duh? Do I really need to answer that? My real heartache is: how long would some Iowa fans remain loyal to Ferentz even if he had losing teams because he didn't recruit. IMO, the answer to that question is: quite a while.

The real question is: what will KF do with yesterday's recruits and what'll be his game plan?

I think it's time to start warming up his seat - or Barta's.
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