It's a Bad Idea, We'll Do It


Well-Known Member
The discussion that football athletes should receive funds beyond tuition, books, and room and board is being undermined by events at Ok State and the five player implicated from SEC schools. I'll ask the question; Is the amount being proposed for cost of attendance more or less than the amount of funds the athletes at OSU and five SEC schools supposedly given?

College football is on a dangerous course. Policing payments to athletes is already difficult based on the admission of some that "it goes on everywhere" (to which I disagree) and every year the stories of violations of the current rules. Adding cash for cost of attendance will make it more complicated to separate where the money is coming from. Agents and gamblers have to be salivating about the prospects. We already have coaches that stretch the recruiting rules and have the character of a snake. Yet we want to add a means to make corruption more enticing.