Kirk knows whats best for his coaches, the players, and his philosophies. Just because a small group of fans on our message boards are ****** the internal took so long, doesn't mean Kirk had poor management on this. So we killed two months of the offseason speculating on who it might be. Who cares?

Parker is a bit more energetic, and can hopefully have a big impact for us as he tries to fill some awfully big shoes. Kirk wouldn't have promoted him if he wasn't confident in his abilities.
Two months to name Parker...ridiculous. If you're going with Parker, name him. Make the stability statement and secure recruiting. If you're going for someone "bigger", fine THEN it's worth the delay. Like everything else Ferentz does...too damn slow, too indecisive, and no understanding of the bigger picture.

Don't misinterpret my complaint, Parker is a good coach and he may do a great job as DC.

It's Ferentz's pathetic managerial skills that drive me (and a lot of other people) nuts.

This might be in the running for the worst post of the year so far.
What I can't figure out is why are there so many threads on the same topic... saying the exact same things that are being said in the other threads...

I can't even remember how I feel about the DC hire anymore, because it took me 2 whole months to decide which one to post in.
KF waited 2 months to make it 'look' like they looked high and low for a new DC. He knew day 1 it was Phil.
The amount of time it takes for the coach to update us on the status on the coordinator means
I was like everyone else that when it took that long he was probably going outside the team for a replacement.I like the pick he has proven over the years that he's a very good coach and recruiter.No need for a melt down lets get to work and fill the other openings.
I am getting tired of the people complaining about the time line of this hire. We have no idea who was contacted regarding the job at this time. I would like to think Kirk reached out to a variety of people and did his due diligence. Also, with a state institution to get anything done is usually a long drawn out process. There is a chance that the people we may have wanted on the boards did not show interest.

Ultimately I think Parker is a good hire though I thought we needed some new blood. You never know with Phil running the show maybe the philosophy will be a little different where before he may have been a little nervous about stepping on any toes since it wasn't his show to run. I think the bigger impact will be getting rid of coach Kaz. From what I have heard he caused a lot of problems and lost much of the cohesiveness. For Iowa the D line is so important and when the leader is a knucklehead it isn't good.

In my opinion the more important hire will be the OC position because I see that as where we need the most help at and has the bigger impact on the entire staff.
Anyone who did not expect this to take two months and then play out exactly as it did has not been paying attention for the last 13 years.
I am getting tired of the people complaining about the time line of this hire. We have no idea who was contacted regarding the job at this time. I would like to think Kirk reached out to a variety of people and did his due diligence. Also, with a state institution to get anything done is usually a long drawn out process. There is a chance that the people we may have wanted on the boards did not show interest.

Ultimately I think Parker is a good hire though I thought we needed some new blood. You never know with Phil running the show maybe the philosophy will be a little different where before he may have been a little nervous about stepping on any toes since it wasn't his show to run. I think the bigger impact will be getting rid of coach Kaz. From what I have heard he caused a lot of problems and lost much of the cohesiveness. For Iowa the D line is so important and when the leader is a knucklehead it isn't good.

In my opinion the more important hire will be the OC position because I see that as where we need the most help at and has the bigger impact on the entire staff.

You might be right but Parker must feel really good that he was a fall back option. KF does not strike me the type that would string along someone for 2 months.

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