It is pathetic...


Well-Known Member
looking back and seeing much of what was posted about certain players. Knowing that players parents and family members view Iowa message boards it cannot be a good feeling seeing comments specific about your child that you know are absolutely false.

Hopefully the press conference today puts this stuff to bed. I am grateful for the approach Jon took with this rumors....some of these posts still linger on other sites and it is frankly embarrassing to see Iowa "fans" have those discussions.
So much for the so called insiders on this forum. GEEKS! Get a life. Jon you were totally right in the way you handled this. Those who like to engage in charactor assasination ought to be ashamed of themselves. "Jimmy what are you doing on the computer today?" "Nothing mom just trying to stir up some crap." GEEEEEEEEZ.
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Surely this thread couldn't be in response to the press conference. Nothing was said today that did anything to disprove most of what was being said on the board the past week. We were told by Barta/Ferentz that individuals failing a drug test would not be made public, nor (per the policy) would they be missing any time, assuming it was their first offense and they went through the appropriate channels after being busted.

So we know about as much now as we did before the press conference. Now it boils down to what you believe...did we really just have an isolated incident with DJK and nobody else on the team has failed a test? Or is there something potentially more to the story that remains behind closed doors until a 2nd failed test?
I should also acknowledge the fact that many of you reserved judgement until more of the facts came out. It was just a few of the pot (no pun intended) stirring posters that seemed to be out to smear the U of I football program.
I love all of the holier than thou posters coming out of the woodwork. Yes, some rumors were not completely true, but it was not like they were completely off the mark in some cases. If the players mess up, is it bound to come out on the internet. That is the world we live in today. Like it, or not.
The "sources" need to be outed for spreading lies or fired for leaking private information.
I love all of the holier than thou posters coming out of the woodwork. Yes, some rumors were not completely true, but it was not like they were completely off the mark in some cases. If the players mess up, is it bound to come out on the internet. That is the world we live in today. Like it, or not.

People were WAY off, thankfully all of it was deleted very quickly. It is one thing for a fact to come out on the is entirely something else for some very false serious accusations to be posted. I hope you realize the difference.
looking back and seeing much of what was posted about certain players. Knowing that players parents and family members view Iowa message boards it cannot be a good feeling seeing comments specific about your child that you know are absolutely false.

Hopefully the press conference today puts this stuff to bed. I am grateful for the approach Jon took with this rumors....some of these posts still linger on other sites and it is frankly embarrassing to see Iowa "fans" have those discussions.

Maybe then it's time for people to not make a living based off internet message boards if certain things cause such issues.

Again, nothing stated today dispelled ALL the rumors that were being said on here. Why is that so hard to comprehend?
I love all of the holier than thou posters coming out of the woodwork. Yes, some rumors were not completely true, but it was not like they were completely off the mark in some cases. If the players mess up, is it bound to come out on the internet. That is the world we live in today. Like it, or not.

I'm gonna go ahead and call 26 suspensions and KF retiring to be completely off the mark. I guess I'm all holier than thou though.
I love all of the holier than thou posters coming out of the woodwork. Yes, some rumors were not completely true, but it was not like they were completely off the mark in some cases. If the players mess up, is it bound to come out on the internet. That is the world we live in today. Like it, or not.

None of us are coming out of the woodwork. We've just been drowned out over the past week by mass hysteria.

Seriously, this morning I read on multiple message boards that 26 players were going to be suspended.


Why do we scrutinize every comment Kirk Ferentz makes but put none of that focus on ourselves? Everybody wants to talk about accountability for players and coaches but has no shame about propagating completely unfounded garbage.

I'm sorry if I sound pissy but when Ferentz started talking about player's parents getting called by reporters I really started to get mad, and then when I came to this board and saw posters saying that this really doesn't prove anything I got downright angry. Why not just come out and say it: certain people are going to believe whatever they want to believe, and no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to change those beliefs?
What it tells me is that any problem that may or may not exist is far less significant than the rumors that were out there. If it was as rampant as those rumors, or as you seem to imply, I'm 100% sure it would have been addressed today. Stop trying to stir up more crap

Surely this thread couldn't be in response to the press conference. Nothing was said today that did anything to disprove most of what was being said on the board the past week. We were told by Barta/Ferentz that individuals failing a drug test would not be made public, nor (per the policy) would they be missing any time, assuming it was their first offense and they went through the appropriate channels after being busted.

So we know about as much now as we did before the press conference. Now it boils down to what you believe...did we really just have an isolated incident with DJK and nobody else on the team has failed a test? Or is there something potentially more to the story that remains behind closed doors until a 2nd failed test?
Maybe then it's time for people to not make a living based off internet message boards if certain things cause such issues.

Again, nothing stated today dispelled ALL the rumors that were being said on here. Why is that so hard to comprehend?

Actually pretty much every rumor was dispelled...Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? It is almost as if some people are disappointed that the ridiculous rumors were false.
None of us are coming out of the woodwork. We've just been drowned out over the past week by mass hysteria.

Seriously, this morning I read on multiple message boards that 26 players were going to be suspended.


Why do we scrutinize every comment Kirk Ferentz makes but put none of that focus on ourselves? Everybody wants to talk about accountability for players and coaches but has no shame about propagating completely unfounded garbage.

I'm sorry if I sound pissy but when Ferentz started talking about player's parents getting called by reporters I really started to get mad, and then when I came to this board and saw posters saying that this really doesn't prove anything I got downright angry. Why not just come out and say it: certain people are going to believe whatever they want to believe, and no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to change those beliefs?

Actually pretty much every rumor was dispelled...Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? It is almost as if some people are disappointed that the ridiculous rumors were false.

Reading comprehension is hard for you. Notice how I capitalized ALL. Notice then you say PRETTY MUCH every rumor was dispelled. Cliche?

Look, I said in a post I created that I'm glad that nothing more serious came to light today. There are some things out there that were true. These things were not made public today and nor shall they be.

You stating that ALL the rumors are false based off vague answers (which is what you would get in every instance, esp from KF) and indisclosed information wants to make me puke.

Can I just be banned so I can go on about my life and not be glued to this crap for some dumb reason...
Reading comprehension is hard for you. Notice how I capitalized ALL. Notice then you say PRETTY MUCH every rumor was dispelled. Cliche?

Look, I said in a post I created that I'm glad that nothing more serious came to light today. There are some things out there that were true. These things were not made public today and nor shall they be.

You stating that ALL the rumors are false based off vague answers (which is what you would get in every instance, esp from KF) and indisclosed information wants to make me puke.

Can I just be banned so I can go on about my life and not be glued to this crap for some dumb reason...

LOL at your last comment. The answer is no :)

I said "pretty much" because some rumors would simply never be confirmed due to privacy issues. In my mind the serious issues were put to bed...obviously we will be kept in the dark with some of it and I dont think that should come as much of a shock.
LOL at your last comment. The answer is no :)

I said "pretty much" because some rumors would simply never be confirmed due to privacy issues. In my mind the serious issues were put to bed...obviously we will be kept in the dark with some of it and I dont think that should come as much of a shock.

Ok, much better Iahawk20. That's just what I'm saying! :)
What it tells me is that any problem that may or may not exist is far less significant than the rumors that were out there. If it was as rampant as those rumors, or as you seem to imply, I'm 100% sure it would have been addressed today. Stop trying to stir up more crap

As far as players being suspended, you are correct. But any rumors about failed drug tests? No, I didn't hear anything to dispel those rumors, and we won't. And those won't be addressed because KF/GB said as much.

Which goes back to my's up to what you believe.
As far as players being suspended, you are correct. But any rumors about failed drug tests? No, I didn't hear anything to dispel those rumors, and we won't. And those won't be addressed because KF/GB said as much.

Which goes back to my's up to what you believe.

According to GB and KF no additional testing was done. You can't fail what was never administered. Rumors were wrong. Unless you believe GB and KF were lying, end of story.
personally- i found nothing from that press conference that proved or disproved any potential "failed tests" rumors. while i will agree that it was completely reckless posting by some to get information out from "reports" (which by the way... you are not reporting... you are speculating...) there was nothing said that leads me to believe multiple student athletes didn't fail (or did not consent) to some sort of test. just because there were no suspensions, does not mean there were no failed tests.

The lines that throw up a flag to me is this- Players who refuse to be tested are considered to be guilty of a positive test. Two positive tests means an automatic suspension for 10 percent of regular-season events or postseason events. A third positive test is grounds for dismissal from the program.

This is not me saying that it did or did not happen- but to say that all these rumors have been proven to not have happened from this is pretty much as off base as many of the originally circulated rumors IMO, just not as reckless. let me also add that i'm relieved that it wasn't as bad as i originally thought it to be- hopefully we can move on and prepare for the bowl game now without anything else coming out on this subject.
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