I know there are 2 factions at odds here always (Ferentz-haters, and Ferentz-apologists). There are plenty of 'stats' either side can throw out to support their side. But here are facts why coaches could/should succeed here....
-We have and continue to pay Top 5- Top 10 money to HC AND assistants!
-Very active and fairly affluent fan base (good medical and law program helps alumni affluence)
-P5 conference
-Top 20 income Athletic Dept
-Decent recent 'history/reputation' (last 35 years)
-Maybe the top, or slightly below, conference in P5
-Top-tier facilities for the most part.
So, with all the above 'advantages' at IA, and we pay our coach Top 10 level, is it that absurd to expect Top 10 level performances on the field? Or should we be happy with mediocre, for the most part?
All excellent points. But you missed the biggest fact. Iowa City is in the middle of nowhere. Can you imagine being a kid from an inner city, metro area, or even a suburb and going to Iowa City for a college visit? Culture shock to say the least. You drive for hours past fields, farms, and small towns. Then you get to Iowa City itself and find its a small town, at least to anyone who grows up in a metro area.
Just to be clear, I grew up in small town Iowa and I liked the experience. It taught me the value of hard work. And Iowa City and many communities in Iowa are wonderful places to raise a family. But we're not talking about 30 somethings raising a family. We're talking about an 18 year old kid making a choice about where he's going to enjoy himself the most.
Very few kids are going to choose Iowa City over campuses in the west and in the south. Better weather, better woman, more women, more things to do, etc. And most Power 5 schools outside of the B1G and PAC12 are easier to get into than Iowa is.
Then you start comparing Iowa to "similar" places like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Nebraska. Never been to Lincoln, so can't speak to it. Dinkytown in Minneapolis is everything Iowa City wants to be with two major cities surrounding it. Madison, lets be real, is a far better town than Iowa City and roughly 5 times as big. Evanston is on Lake Michigan and is about 10 miles from the 3rd largest city in the United States.
So should we be happy with mediocre? Of course not. But maybe should we be more realistic as well. And realize that seasons like 2002, 2004, 2009, 2015 are wonderful. Enjoy them because they probably aren't going to happen again soon. Realize that most us weren't alive the last time Iowa had a bad coach. And that maybe it takes a Fry or Ferentz just to get the mid level recruits to Iowa City. Any less of a coach and we look like our neighbor to the west.