It can be embarrassing to be an Iowa Fan

may i politely correct your grammer,please use in instead of on because nobody was born on iowa, u know?:cool:

Hmmm, interesting. When you think about it, weren't most Iowans born on Iowa. I suppose they were born within the state limits but isn't on Iowa technically correct?

It reminds of the phrase "I don't know". That would seem to indicate ignorance by choice but really shouldn't we say "I can't know"?
It can also be very embarrassing when you have to listen to "high and mighty" types call out the "heels" of a fan base.
I guess it could feel a little embarrassing, that is, if you take things too seriously, or believe that it has any real effect on yourself.
I feel more sorry for those dipsh!ts who people supposedly think make the "fanbase" look dumb, than I do embarrassed........
Yeah there are alot of dumb people in the internet.

But if you get into what this fan base looks like or this fan base looks like.... really a waste of time

fans are the same anywhere you go - usually the more they win the worse they are.
Like when you spend a weekend in Naperville, and every other waitress you have tells you she went to Iowa.

Well, hell. See, that's a legitimate gender difference.

How many of those Naperville waitresses are just former sorority Frat-Trash, whose sole abiding justification for attending UI was to find Mr. Napervillewaitress so he can fund their tile-roofed McMansion and backyard-pool lifestyle?

It falls beyond out purview to worry over the existential angst of Chicagloland suburban GurlZ.
Well, hell. See, that's a legitimate gender difference.

How many of those Naperville waitresses are just former sorority Frat-Trash, whose sole abiding justification for attending UI was to find Mr. Napervillewaitress so he can fund their tile-roofed McMansion and backyard-pool lifestyle?

It falls beyond out purview to worry over the existential angst of Chicagloland suburban GurlZ.

Holy ****, there was a hell of a lot of win in that paragraph. I know I have been busting your balls DK, but that was genius.
Like when you spend a weekend in Naperville, and every other waitress you have tells you she went to Iowa.
Well, hell. See, that's a legitimate gender difference. How many of those Naperville waitresses are just former sorority Frat-Trash, whose sole abiding justification for attending UI was to find Mr. Napervillewaitress so he can fund their tile-roofed McMansion and backyard-pool lifestyle? It falls beyond out purview to worry over the existential angst of Chicagloland suburban GurlZ.

This was absolute genius. Well done.
Ok, I'll give him a temporary pass for that reply. More of that, less of your other pointless drivel.
Hmmm, interesting. When you think about it, weren't most Iowans born on Iowa. I suppose they were born within the state limits but isn't on Iowa technically correct?

It reminds of the phrase "I don't know". That would seem to indicate ignorance by choice but really shouldn't we say "I can't know"?

Well, I was born in a hospital bed on a floor other than ground floor. So technically I was born onto some guys hands, on a piece of furniture on multi level floor on top of Iowa soil.

Actually posting this was a waste of time.
I don't know. I'm disappointed that there weren't any random definitions.


1    /dʌk/ Show Spelled[duhk] Show IPA
noun, plural ducks, ( especially collectively for 1, 2 ) duck. 1. any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body.
2. the female of this bird, as distinguished from the male. Compare drake1 .
3. native wildlife at The University of Iowa; protected genus within Iowa City limits under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
4. Informal . person; individual: He's the queer old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache.
5. a playing marble, especially one that is not used as a shooter.
6. a cheap whore from Naperville that purses her lips in self shot photographs and mirror shots. Typically don't hide their keesters.

1    /dʌk/ Show Spelled[duhk] Show IPA
noun, plural ducks, ( especially collectively for 1, 2 ) duck. 1. any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body.
2. the female of this bird, as distinguished from the male. Compare drake1 .
3. native wildlife at The University of Iowa; protected genus within Iowa City limits under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
4. Informal . person; individual: He's the queer old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache.
5. a playing marble, especially one that is not used as a shooter.
6. a cheap whore from Naperville that purses her lips in self shot photographs and mirror shots. Typically don't hide their keesters.

Which dictionary do you use?
It can be embarrassing to be aparent also, but once you're in you're in. Everybody knows people are idiots all over the world. There is no larger percentage of idiot hawk fans than any other school ,ours just wear better gear with a cool logo on it.
Hey it could be worse. You could be a Nebraska fan where the majority of fans and not the minority are like that.

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