ISU vs. Iowa, pillow fight in the trenches

This game could have been 55-14 or something like it if we just kept foot on gas.

But Kirk hates to run up the score
Miami's QB looked pretty good...perhaps the season will play out to support these first game observations.

A competent and experienced QB with some time, makes most defenses look a bit inept.
I don't think the foot ever came off the gas on offense. Our defense just couldn't get off the field which limited our offensive possessions. Our defense never even found the gas petal. They just scored a couple early turnovers.
I've seen bad lines at Iowa State before. This is probably the worst I've seen.

It's taken a lot of years but I'm officially beaten down by Iowa State football. I'd trade my remaining tickets this season for a bag of pork rinds and loose change but my wife insists on being a good fan and supporting the team. I'll keep you guys informed if I have to pursue a divorce.
I've seen bad lines at Iowa State before. This is probably the worst I've seen.

It's taken a lot of years but I'm officially beaten down by Iowa State football. I'd trade my remaining tickets this season for a bag of pork rinds and loose change but my wife insists on being a good fan and supporting the team. I'll keep you guys informed if I have to pursue a divorce.

I'll tell you what Dean and ickE would say about you. You are one of the best fans out there. And they'd be right. Anyone who can maintain their luv for cyclone football thru so much futility. That's a fan. BTW, my sister graduated from Iowa State and so did her husband. They are both very successful. Obviously a reflection of the academic side of Ia State. I feel their pain every fall. And I bet with them every fall. And I'm still pissed about how much they've taken from me in the last 17 years.:mad:
I've seen bad lines at Iowa State before. This is probably the worst I've seen.

It's taken a lot of years but I'm officially beaten down by Iowa State football. I'd trade my remaining tickets this season for a bag of pork rinds and loose change but my wife insists on being a good fan and supporting the team. I'll keep you guys informed if I have to pursue a divorce.
I absolutely can't stand the clowns but I almost feel sorry for you. Being a Cub fan I can relate.
a good buddy of mine (Clone fan) told me he is expecting a total Hawkeye beat down on isu. He's not even sure if isu will even win a Big 12 game this year. I couldn't imagine being an isu fan and having to live with their football program year in and year out.
I don't think the foot ever came off the gas on offense. Our defense just couldn't get off the field which limited our offensive possessions. Our defense never even found the gas petal. They just scored a couple early turnovers.
the defense mistook the brake and the clutch for the gas, and had no clue that the vehicle was a manual transmission
a good buddy of mine (Clone fan) told me he is expecting a total Hawkeye beat down on isu. He's not even sure if isu will even win a Big 12 game this year. I couldn't imagine being an isu fan and having to live with their football program year in and year out.

This is the thing... They don't have to cheer for the Cyclones. I really don't get it. Even Chris Williams, the biggest douche Clown fan there is, switched his allegiance from the Hawks to the Clowns. He grew up a Hawk fan. What I'm saying is NO ONE has to be a fan of any individual team. That's your choice. This is something I will never understand. I grew up a Hawkeye fan. It's in my blood. I understand the loyalty part, but what I don't understand is the desire people have to continue to cheer for a team that is absolute garbage. Screw loyalty. At some point it's just not fun anymore. That point for Iowa State football started when the program was created. Why torture yourself by rooting for them? I don't think anyone in their right mind would or could blame someone for choosing to cheer for a different team. You only get one life. If you're a football fan don't waste it cheering for a team that is never going to accomplish anything. What fun is that?

I'll make a comparison... One of my pet peeves is people who are always negative. I hate it. Can't stand it. I don't understand why you would choose to live your life miserably. That's your choice. Why do it? It is in your power to change your outlook on everything.

You only get one shot at this thing called life. Enjoy it for god's sake. Don't be a Debbie downer and don't cheer for the freaking Cyclones.