ISU Pre-Game Radio Show

LOVED THIS! From the Iowa State pregame show.

Chris Williams: Real quick, we need a pick from you, John. Who do you got and what's the score?

NDSU John: I got NDSU and I absolutely believe they'll win by double digits. So...

Brent Blum: LOL. Wow??!! What??! Wow??! Wooo!

Chris Williams: JOHN???!!!

NDSU John: I put it somewhere around NDSU 35-14. I don't see how you guys put up over 17 points. It would blow my mind-it really would.

Chris Williams: All right. Well, we're gonna quote you on that. We got this recorded and we're gonna play it on the air next week if Iowa State puts up more than 17 points.

NDSU John: It's the same song and dance the Kansas State guy said to me last time. They called me a homer. They said you're coming to play the big boys. It's fine. They tend to forget me the week after the game, but I do appreciate being on with you guys. Anytime you guys want to talk Missouri Valley football or NDSU…

Chris Williams: (Interrupts, very condescending) Trust me, we won't be talking Missouri Valley football again…but if Iowa State plays NDSU again, we'll absolutely call you again. (trailing)You've been a great guest.

Several minutes later………….

Brent Blum: Our buddy John from NDSU needs a physical. My word man.

Chris Williams: Now that you've had time to digest that…

Brent Blum: I'm floored.

Chris Williams: The thing is…I know they're good. It's not like we were coming off as these condescending Iowa State guys, were we?

Brent Blum: No. Well, maybe in his mind. To predict that an FCS team would beat a Big 12 team, even though they won 3 games, we realize this, by 3 just asinine. It's a shame that the college football playoff is only 4 teams because if there were 5, NDSU would be in it.

Chris Williams: What boggled me about the conversation we just had,though, is that much confidence in anything. I've been saying all week from an Iowa State standpoint, I'm not concerned about North Dakota State because I know they're going to be good. I know exactly what to expect from the... BIZON (condescending) on Saturday. It's all Iowa State to me. And 2, for him to be so guaranteed lock-down, Iowa State's not scoring 17 points…That's ASININE.

Chrissy should stick with rasslin'

Man...I'm still trying to figure out how PAW puts a spin on this. Does losing to two good FCS programs, at home, relate in any way to progress. When you consider, you were outscored 34-0 in the final three quarters of this year's game, I believe they have taken a step or two backward. How the hell do you you spin this in Ronald McDonald land? Do you just put a toy in everyone's happy meal...and I'm thinking something like a hit of acid because you have to be hallucinating to believe what's coming out of the top brass at Clown U.

At least he doesn't call other teams recruits...he has that going for him.
I shared some Twitter messages with NDSU John, the guy the Williams dissed during the interview. He said that he was not upset about the way that they treated him.....he called it good radio. When I replied, that it had to feel good to kick beat ISU and nearly get the final score correct.....he favorited that post!

I also messaged the KGYM hosts.....they were not aware of this exchange with Williams. Since they do host the ISU games and Williams on a regular basis......I doubt that they will bring this up.
I shared some Twitter messages with NDSU John, the guy the Williams dissed during the interview. He said that he was not upset about the way that they treated him.....he called it good radio. When I replied, that it had to feel good to kick beat ISU and nearly get the final score correct.....he favorited that post!

I also messaged the KGYM hosts.....they were not aware of this exchange with Williams. Since they do host the ISU games and Williams on a regular basis......I doubt that they will bring this up.


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