ISU Pre-Game Radio Show


Well-Known Member
LOVED THIS! From the Iowa State pregame show.

Chris Williams: Real quick, we need a pick from you, John. Who do you got and what's the score?

NDSU John: I got NDSU and I absolutely believe they'll win by double digits. So...

Brent Blum: LOL. Wow??!! What??! Wow??! Wooo!

Chris Williams: JOHN???!!!

NDSU John: I put it somewhere around NDSU 35-14. I don't see how you guys put up over 17 points. It would blow my mind-it really would.

Chris Williams: All right. Well, we're gonna quote you on that. We got this recorded and we're gonna play it on the air next week if Iowa State puts up more than 17 points.

NDSU John: It's the same song and dance the Kansas State guy said to me last time. They called me a homer. They said you're coming to play the big boys. It's fine. They tend to forget me the week after the game, but I do appreciate being on with you guys. Anytime you guys want to talk Missouri Valley football or NDSU…

Chris Williams: (Interrupts, very condescending) Trust me, we won't be talking Missouri Valley football again…but if Iowa State plays NDSU again, we'll absolutely call you again. (trailing)You've been a great guest.

Several minutes later………….

Brent Blum: Our buddy John from NDSU needs a physical. My word man.

Chris Williams: Now that you've had time to digest that…

Brent Blum: I'm floored.

Chris Williams: The thing is…I know they're good. It's not like we were coming off as these condescending Iowa State guys, were we?

Brent Blum: No. Well, maybe in his mind. To predict that an FCS team would beat a Big 12 team, even though they won 3 games, we realize this, by 3 just asinine. It's a shame that the college football playoff is only 4 teams because if there were 5, NDSU would be in it.

Chris Williams: What boggled me about the conversation we just had,though, is that much confidence in anything. I've been saying all week from an Iowa State standpoint, I'm not concerned about North Dakota State because I know they're going to be good. I know exactly what to expect from the... BIZON (condescending) on Saturday. It's all Iowa State to me. And 2, for him to be so guaranteed lock-down, Iowa State's not scoring 17 points…That's ASININE.
Awesome! Hopefully that's the closest game ames plays all year. 0-12 with -250 point differential would be great.
Awesome! Hopefully that's the closest game ames plays all year. 0-12 with -250 point differential would be great.

What is truly interesting to me is how absolutely clueless Chris Williams is. He is supposed to be an insider, a person who really has a good feel for Iowa State's football program. He clearly does not. He is the homer, not the other way around.

Contrast this with Jon Miller. I think Jon and his people have a good feel for Iowa football and call it the way they see it. Much better analysis and objectivity overall
What is truly interesting to me is how absolutely clueless Chris Williams is. He is supposed to be an insider, a person who really has a good feel for Iowa State's football program. He clearly does not. He is the homer, not the other way around.

Contrast this with Jon Miller. I think Jon and his people have a good feel for Iowa football and call it the way they see it. Much better analysis and objectivity overall

Jon is a homer and I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I rarely pick Iowa to lose a game in football or basketball.

When you have this much time, energy, passion, etc devoted to one team, it is hard to objectively see all their flaws. And the flaws you do seem probably don't seem as big as they do to outsiders.
This is hilarious!! That gomer of an "analyst" deserves it. Anyone thrown it back at him yet or are we saving this for rivalry week?
I'm pretty sure Chris Williams also predicted a 14 point win Vs Iowa last year. He not very good at predictions.
As much as they try to bag on NDSU John for his confidence I cannot understand where they have so much confidence that it will be "all Iowa State" going into that game when they have lost to UNI 2 of the last 4 times they played them including last year ... and NDSU has won 3 FCS titles in a row.

If you want to hear it go to 15:35 to 16:35 mark for the soundbite … 31:55 mark and the 34:15 mark
oh, and you don't have to be a condescending d-bag if you are a total homer. Show some respect man!

Thats what gets me. It is freaking ISU football, who the F do they think they are Bama? Of course an FCS schools or any other school on the schedule is gonna think they can take them.
When you're ISU football, you don't get many chances to play the condescending a-hole. That's why they're not very good at it.
Wow.... Just wow....and people thought Gary Rima is a homer (and he is) but that is beyond homerism if that's even a word. Insane. There was absolutely zero respect coming from them to who they were playing against. The fastest way to deflate a fan base is to try and over inflate how good they are just for the sake of hype. Cause after that debacle how much hope do you think those fans that do have a brain have in their team doing anything now? They can't possibly still think they are going to a bowl can they? They are their own fan bases worst enemy. It's one thing to hope for the best it's another to think you are what your not.
As much as they try to bag on NDSU John for his confidence I cannot understand where they have so much confidence that it will be "all Iowa State" going into that game when they have lost to UNI 2 of the last 4 times they played them including last year ... and NDSU has won 3 FCS titles in a row.

If you want to hear it go to 15:35 to 16:35 mark for the soundbite … 31:55 mark and the 34:15 mark
Thanks for sharing. They look like the biggest idiots talking college football right now. You would think by now they would realize that the team they support sucks, and they should never be surprised by a beat down from any team other than maybe Kansas.
I had heard this from ISU friends of mine that Williams was actually pretty fair minded last year and called a spade a spade when UNI beat them. However they think that the big wigs didn't like how they were talking about them and "encouraged" them to be more of a homer friendly show. Which makes sense. But when your team sucks how do you put lipstick on that pig?
Williams was on KGYM's APC show yesterday. I was hoping that the hosts would call him on his mis-treatment of NDSU radio guy, but they didn't bring it up.
I had heard this from ISU friends of mine that Williams was actually pretty fair minded last year and called a spade a spade when UNI beat them. However they think that the big wigs didn't like how they were talking about them and "encouraged" them to be more of a homer friendly show. Which makes sense. But when your team sucks how do you put lipstick on that pig?

I think putting lipstick on a pig...and stockings on a sheep... are pretty common in Ames.
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