ISU better team. Probably.

LoL! I think it is comical that hawk fans don't believe that normal challenges for other teams in cfb don't apply to them. The hawks have youth and inexperience coupled with 2 new coordinators. hawks struggled against a ream with a whole new OL loaded with FR & Sophs, and a QB that couldn't throw. Add in the fact that the hawks gave up 6 sacks for the most lost yardage in FBS, and you can see why the majority of the betting public is laying on ISU in the early wagering.

Struggled? NIU gained 201 yards, and almost 40 percent of those yards came on one play. NIU gained 73 yards on one rush in the 2nd half. On the other 24 plays that half, they gained a net of 8 yards.
What happened to the artistry in trolling? When I was young, we took our time, thought out our trolls, and crafted them slowly and methodically. These days, the kids just troll you with as much subtlety as a bucket of urine over the head.

Gab Nabbit.

Its spelled DAG Nabbit, sir. Please remember this in the future. Thank you.;):D
I have not read Dante's Inferno since college, but I think I remember that. In troll hell, Virgil and Dante met Carthaginian General Hannibal, King Herod's stepdaughter Salome, and, oddly enough, Steve Spurrier.

Don't forget about Attila The Hun(Troll)......... He trolled many region, and trolled them ******* good. They met Prometheus too.......
Don't forget about Attila The Hun(Troll)......... He trolled many region, and trolled them ******* good. They met Prometheus too.......

I believe they met Paris of Troy as well. There, it was revealed that after mortally wounding Achilles, we walked over and said "Art thou infuriated, brethren? Though the war is lost, you have succomed in battle to me. I shalt go forth and bang my hawt girlfriend LOL!"
By this time next week, maybe we can talk about football and forget this overblown Iowa - ISU thing? Pleeze.
By this time next week, maybe we can talk about football and forget this overblown Iowa - ISU thing? Pleeze.

I'm with you Golfer. The smack talk has gone beyond any relevance. Let's just play the game and see how it turns out. After all, none of us will have any impact on the game.
By this time next week, maybe we can talk about football and forget this overblown Iowa - ISU thing? Pleeze.

Football is boring. A bunch of guys in tights standing around, running for 6 seconds, while a bunch of old guys tell them what to do.

A bunch of angry fans trading hay-makers? That's what sports is all about. I could take or leave teh gaym.

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