Is UI still having Carson King at the game Saturday?

I have no beef with the kid, but I'm kind of ready to let everything fade away regarding this (other than I hope the DMR keeps getting wrecked).

Between this and the band stuff I just wanna have football and not get distracted by Busch Light, band assaults, boycotts, Carson King, or Aaron Calvin. Let's just play ball.

I’m still taking it as a positive bye week because there aren’t any reported team issues.
I’m still taking it as a positive bye week because there aren’t any reported team issues.
It’s been the weirdest bye week ever, that’s for sure.

I’m ready for it to end and watch some football. These end of September/early October games really get me feeling footbally because the weather is cooling off, leaves falling, all that jazz. Unless you’re one of the southern folks, in which case you can disregard this post :)

That’s one thing I missed out on living in Arizona and now that I’m older I couldn’t go back to it. There’s something about the changing of the seasons that I’m hardwired to now. It must be like how people growing up near the ocean need to have the sound of the surf in the background to feel “at home.”

Don’t get me wrong, I hate winter other than ice fishing, but the transition from one season to the next has always been refreshing to me. If I had to live in San Diego year round the weather would be awesome, but I’d get sick of it never changing.
I have no beef with the kid, but I'm kind of ready to let everything fade away regarding this (other than I hope the DMR keeps getting wrecked).

Between this and the band stuff I just wanna have football and not get distracted by Busch Light, band assaults, boycotts, Carson King, or Aaron Calvin. Let's just play ball.

I don’t, I hope they keep raising money. But that’s just me, I like seeing sick kids get assistance.
I don’t, I hope they keep raising money. But that’s just me, I like seeing sick kids get assistance.
I didn’t mean to say I want the donating to stop. I just think this whole thing is a huge distraction and it’ll be nice to get back to football in a couple days.
Wait....I have an idea.
Why not....say....some arbitrary say the end of the third quarter....everybody stands up and does something to recognize him.

He's in the north endzone they said? Why don't we all stand up at the end of the third quarter...extend our arms and give a thumbs up in the direction of the north endzone.

We'll call it...I dunno...the "Iowa Legend Thumbs Up". It'll be great., We can make t-shirts or something too. It'll become instant tradition.

And yes, I fully recognize I'm just trying to be funny and clever. Comedy is hard.
FTR, The Wave makes me teary eyed every time I see it. I was [] this close to attending the Musial Awards just to watch two Iowa Legends receive the award for coming up with the idea.

Then again, it's not a horrible idea, Jerry.
Just keep screwing over Busch by donating, they will match funds through the rest of the month.

They have got to be feeling really stupid about now. They are paying money towards a cause that wound up giving them negative publicity.
Just keep screwing over Busch by donating, they will match funds through the rest of the month.

They have got to be feeling really stupid about now. They are paying money towards a cause that wound up giving them negative publicity.

I have read a couple times that Busch is still going to donate more than 350K to the hospital, while the account is much greater than that. Didn't they say at the beginning they were going to match all donations? And Venmo did too right?
I have read a couple times that Busch is still going to donate more than 350K to the hospital, while the account is much greater than that. Didn't they say at the beginning they were going to match all donations? And Venmo did too right?

Yes, the $350K was simply a point of reference as that was the level the donations were at. They are still honoring the match through the end of the month.
I have read a couple times that Busch is still going to donate more than 350K to the hospital, while the account is much greater than that. Didn't they say at the beginning they were going to match all donations? And Venmo did too right?

I'm not sure if you know this, but the big number you see that's over a million already has the two matches added in. There is "only" a half mil or so that has been donated before the matching.
Just keep screwing over Busch by donating, they will match funds through the rest of the month.

They have got to be feeling really stupid about now. They are paying money towards a cause that wound up giving them negative publicity.
They got a couple million $$ worth of advertising for maybe 1/3 the cost to them.
Just keep screwing over Busch by donating, they will match funds through the rest of the month.

They have got to be feeling really stupid about now. They are paying money towards a cause that wound up giving them negative publicity.

Still gonna drink the Budweiser. Ain't giving that up.
They got a couple million $$ worth of advertising for maybe 1/3 the cost to them.

Sure but what about all the people turning against Busch? I know there are situations where even negative publicity can be good but I'm not so sure that's the case here.
Sure but what about all the people turning against Busch? I know there are situations where even negative publicity can be good but I'm not so sure that's the case here.

People won't be giving up their preferred beer for any length of time.
I get YOU won't, you already stated that. But you are not the masses, I know I personally will not be buying Busch beer anymore.

Easy to say, but if you are looking to economize, Busch Light wins that lower end category hands down. Personally, I don't mind spending the extra $3 a case for Budweiser or Bud Light depending on my mood that day.