Is This a Perfect Storm Recruiting Year?

I guess but, seriously, how'd that class work out? Moeaki and Yanda are pros. Kanellis and Richardson were injury plagued, tho, Dace finally had a solid year as a senior. Raf didn't do much until he was a senior. As far as impact and contribution, the rest were busts.

The whole concept is underscored by the legit question, When has der KirkFer ever done anything with elite talent he actually does have?
(That's before considering the whole G.d.G.D. albatross -- or maybe that's vice versa and it's G.d.G.D. with the albatross.)

and that "early playing time" ... under der KirkFer!?? You serious?! That only happens if the skills and talent are so undeniable you'd have to be a total chimp to keep the player sidelined.

They won the Orange bowl their senior year.
This staff has 0 recruiting juice. As far as I'm concerned Kirk should get off his A-- and do double time to these kids couches and perhaps he is and he's just a bad salesman. We should've done everything we could've to get Ed Ogeron once he left USC. He's the world's greatest recruiter and was without a job. Fortunately, Kirk went and got Greg "Dump the Run" Davis. Nice job.
It has been a full decade since our last banner recruiting year. That year, 2005, we landed:

Bailey - 4 stars
Bain - 4 stars
Christiensen - 4 stars
Doering - 5 stars
Eubanks - 4 stars
Kanellis - 4 stars
Moeaki - 4 stars
Richardson - 4 stars
Yanda - high 3 stars

Most of those guys never made it to graduation for one reason or another. Marshall Yanda turned out to be the best player on that list. His NFL career is incredible.

He had the least number of "stars" by his name out of everyone on that list.

That's football?
I see why he is on the list but JC... really? Aside from his OSU start...what did he accomplish?
I think it somewhat of an unfair critique. The 2005 class that flamed out did so for different reasons. Kanellis and Richardson were injury causalities and that can happen to elite or non-elite recruits, randomly. Bailey was an academic casualty. Doering, like Larson, was was a highly recruited bust.

But we've also hit on a fair amount of our highly rated players: Bulaga, Mike Jones, Matt Roth, Adrian Clayborn, Christian Ballard, Jeremiah Hunter, Drew Tate, Albert Young, Ed Miles, and I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting.

Wasn't the 2005 class part of the reason we were good in 2009?
Now Pitt joins the list of schools with coaching staffs in flux. There is no excuse for us not to exploit this. Didn't Kirk used to claim Pennsylvania as his own? Isn't his son in charge of recruiting that part of the country. It's time to get in there and reel in some commits.