Is there still a Board in Control of Iowa Athletics?


Well-Known Member
I searched and found a record of it registered with the Secretary of State of Iowa, but it shows as defunct. Anyone remember it and what happened to it?

I ask only because of the recent issues related to the Band.
they probably lost authority when the athletic budgets went self-funding.

what can they control when no money string is attached.
Are we sure all 3 teams are self funded?

The Board of Control goes way back and it may have been superseded by the Regents.
Not sure, No.

Iowa is of course.

Pretty sure, ISU is -- probably one of the reasons baseball was dropped.

UNI -- no idea. but again, probably one of the reasons baseball was dropped.
Not sure, No.

Iowa is of course.

Pretty sure, ISU is -- probably one of the reasons baseball was dropped.

UNI -- no idea. but again, probably one of the reasons baseball was dropped.

Iowa gets so much money from Big 10 Network and other contracts.

Does the Big 12 have a network contract?? I dont think there is a Big 12 Network because TExas wants most of the money.