Is there a Doctor in the House?

Well, I haven't learned much about Cooper, in here, so I'm going to give
Dr Amendola a call and tell him to get to work on this. Time's a wastin.....

Well, I haven't learned much about Cooper, in here, so I'm going to give
Dr Amendola a call and tell him to get to work on this. Time's a wastin.....


Since there was never any word of a traumatic knee injury (single instance of ruptured ligaments), and it seemed to be more of a issue of dealing with chronic pain that would not go away, it seems likely that it was an articular cartilage injury (the smooth, shiny stuff that covers the ends of bones). The procedure performed at the beginning of last season was probably microfracture surgery. Articular cartilage can't really heal itself, so doctors poke holes through the damaged cartilage into the bone, and this stimulates growth of scar tissue that functions similarly to the damaged cartilage. The procedure is definitely not a sure thing to fix the problem, and recovery is 6-12 months. Javedeon Clowney just had this procedure, and I think Kevin Williams may have had it while in college.

I have no inside knowledge, this is simply what I have assumed based upon the information that has come out.
Hey, Thanks CP!

Definitely sounds like a rational explanation
& now let's hope and pray that Darian can get back to
full strength by mid-summer.

He's a terrific Football player and has a chance to play it
for a living, next year.
