Is the Big 12 going to get rid of the two divisions?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be great to see Oklahoma vs Texas in their championship each year, if they even have one anymore. The North will be even more of a joke without Nebraska in it, 24-26 overall record(w/ out Nebraska and colorado) WIth the best conference record in the North being 4-4(w/ out Nebraska).
If the Big 12 goes to a round robin in football and basketball, and it appears the conference will do that, then having two divisions is pretty much meaningless.

I think the two divisions are no more as long as there are only 10 schools in the conference.
I am pretty sure they cant even have a championship because I thought a league had to have 12 teams for that to happen. Maybe I am wrong?
Texas has an easier route to the BCS championship this way.

BTW, I wonder how much revenue the championship game brought in. The revenue is only divided between 10 teams now so it will go up per team...but there will be less to divide with no championship game I would think.

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