Is Roy Williams the Devil

Is Roy Williams the Devil

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • No

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • Steve Alford is

    Votes: 19 30.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
As encouraged by Tweeter, its time for a vote. Is Roy Williams the anti-christ of the state of Iowa, and the University of Iowa in particular.
i like to think that we would have gotten at least one of the Iowa boys he's snagged from us over the years if he wasn't in the picture. maybe not though, but i can dream, can't i?
I would've said "no" but that was before I yelled, "HEY ROY!?!? F*CK YOU!" from 10 rows behind him at one of Marcus Paige's games last thing I know, everything turned to slow motion, he turned his head to the left to face me WHILE HIS SHOULDERS AND BODY REMAINED FACING FORWARD!...his eyes turned red, I couldn't breathe and I'm pretty sure he left his body, F'd my girlfriend and killed my dog...he then returned to his human form, continued turning his head all the way around til it was facing forward again and things went back to normal speed, I pi$$ed my pants and Marcus Paige became a Tarheel...he's the devil alright...the devil indeed!
I voted "maybe". I'm just really torn between Roy and Alford. I say we drown them both in Holy water, just to be sure we get the devil :D
I would've said "no" but that was before I yelled, "HEY ROY!?!? F*CK YOU!" from 10 rows behind him at one of Marcus Paige's games last thing I know, everything turned to slow motion, he turned his head to the left to face me WHILE HIS SHOULDERS AND BODY REMAINED FACING FORWARD!...his eyes turned red, I couldn't breathe and I'm pretty sure he left his body, F'd my girlfriend and killed my dog...he then returned to his human form, continued turning his head all the way around til it was facing forward again and things went back to normal speed, I pi$$ed my pants and Marcus Paige became a Tarheel...he's the devil alright...the devil indeed!

Funny, I had almost the exact same experience, except my girlfriend was off getting us beer and nachos at the time, so he f'ed some girl sitting next to me...

I would have told you that Roy Williams is definitely the Devil, except, just after the game, I saw him bowing to Steve Alford...
Actually, Roy is really quite sweet. After hearing that Woodbury was an Iowa lock, Roy called Fran to say how sorry he was for poaching so many Iowa players over the years and offered to extend a token scholarship offer to Adam in hopes that it would raise Adam's ranking which might help Iowa bring in more heralded recruits.
I would've said "no" but that was before I yelled, "HEY ROY!?!? F*CK YOU!" from 10 rows behind him at one of Marcus Paige's games last thing I know, everything turned to slow motion, he turned his head to the left to face me WHILE HIS SHOULDERS AND BODY REMAINED FACING FORWARD!...his eyes turned red, I couldn't breathe and I'm pretty sure he left his body, F'd my girlfriend and killed my dog...he then returned to his human form, continued turning his head all the way around til it was facing forward again and things went back to normal speed, I pi$$ed my pants and Marcus Paige became a Tarheel...he's the devil alright...the devil indeed!

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He's not the devil and not even Hitler but the guy is close and definitely A Deputy Dawg (If I was interweb savvy I'd post a pick of the cartoon character and Roy side by side for your amusement)

The funny thing is a lot of Tar Heel fans don't really like him. If not for winning two NC's, no one would like him. The fans hated him when he turned down the job after Guthridge retired in 2000 (?) and most were not too keen when he wore the Jay Hawk sticker at the championship game after they got blown out by Kansas.

Plus he is rather arrogant, incredibly thin skinned and an all-around egotistical jerk. Often the personality traits of the ultra successful.

At least he drinks Coke instead of Pepsi.
Unfortunately he is simply too good at his job.....


Not so sure. After seeing that ACC schools other than Clemson aren't immune to SEC-type "ethics" with recruiting and what-not, not sure if it's him being good...or having pockets as deep as Tressel, Pete Carroll and the like...