Is Paterno handling his duties?

I think even as a figurehead he has value, but when it comes down to the real work a head coach does, i don't see him doing it. Granted, maybe I am 100% wrong, but D1 college football coaches put in very very long hours and have tons of responsibility, their days are very very full, I dont see it from him at this point in his career.
Why does Mack Brown get so much credit, then? He is one of the supreme delegators in college football.

The micro-managers like Saban and Meyer aren't that common. Mostly because the majority of them over-think things and do too much meddling, thus digging their own grave. The ones who can micro-manage and win championships are extremely rare.
I see Mack Brown as being a lot more of sound mind and body than JoPers. He is certainly more well spoken and active. JoPA has a great sense of humor and is a straight shooter though, which I like, but he speaks as if he is a little mentally unclear. MOO
I see Mack Brown as being a lot more of sound mind and body than JoPers. He is certainly more well spoken and active. JoPA has a great sense of humor and is a straight shooter though, which I like, but he speaks as if he is a little mentally unclear. MOO

During the 2006 Alamo Bowl my sons and I ended up staying at the same hotel as the Texas team and staff and ran into Brown a couple times just prior to team meetings. He definitely was far more active and involved in the preliminaries of those meetings than I would imagine JoePa is or has been with the day-to-day of the PSU program, even five years ago.
Why does Mack Brown get so much credit, then? He is one of the supreme delegators in college football.

The micro-managers like Saban and Meyer aren't that common. Mostly because the majority of them over-think things and do too much meddling, thus digging their own grave. The ones who can micro-manage and win championships are extremely rare.

There's a difference between 'not being a micro-manager' and being Joe Paterno at this point. Come on.
You just sort of hope that Paterno realizes the program is slipping and that he will be able to step down without being pressured to leave. Yes, they have had some decent years as of late but they have become a little-above-average program. Joe is an icon so you can't fire him. Of course, they can encourage him to leave (behind closed doors) but ultimately it will have to be Joe who decides when enough is enough.
You just sort of hope that Paterno realizes the program is slipping and that he will be able to step down without being pressured to leave. Yes, they have had some decent years as of late but they have become a little-above-average program. Joe is an icon so you can't fire him. Of course, they can encourage him to leave (behind closed doors) but ultimately it will have to be Joe who decides when enough is enough.

Since 2005, they've had 3 11-win seasons and two 9-win seasons. And they appear to be well on their way to another 10-win (or more) year. Something tells me the 7-win 2010 was the fluke of the last 7 years.
There are increasing claims on the Penn State boards that this is it for Joe Paterno. Of course, there have been similar claims in the last few years but now even one of the moderators on the Scout board has said that there is a sign that something big is going to happen. He would not say what the sign was but I've never heard one of mods make such a claim before. Urban Meyer will be one of the candidates if he is interested. This past summer Meyer was at Penn State to interview Mike Mauti and reportedly had a two hour conversation with the Penn State AD. The Ohio State fans believe Meyer will coach at Ohio State if he coaches anywhere. One of their mods (nevadabuck) on their Scout site claimed that he was told that Meyer will be introduced as the OSU coach at the half-time of the Duke-OSU basketball game on November 29. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Please don't hire Meyer. Paterno is the living embodiment of all that is (err...used to be) right with college athletics. Meyer is a morally corrupt scumbag - it would be a sad day for me to see Penn St sully their good name by hiring an anything goes, two faced sleaze like Meyer. Meyer is just a Sweater Vest in waiting (it just hasn't caught up with him yet).
I can't see how having Joe around would hurt the program... If anything I'd say it is beneficial for recruiting--A sign of their tradition and reputation they earned while under Joe.

I really doubt the playcalling duties are assigned to Joe at this point and when it comes to doing the real work of a HC... It is isn't him that any loss should be blamed on.

He is a good guy and there is no doubt that he loves college football and Penn State. I say you let him stay and hang around if he still has it in him... as long as he isn't causing any harm.
Not to hijack the thread this has been asked and answered a million times already, but I always forget. What exactly does that red-headed guy do? There was a red-headed QB that followed Wally Richardson I can't remember exactly when is that the same dude?
Wasn't it the Iowa game when the announcers were saying Joe would probably be down on the field in the 2nd half. When they panned to the press box and got a shot of coach P. he had his head down and looked really tired or else he was napping. You can say what you want but he's a true captain of his ship. There was also an interview with Brent Musburger when they were talking about Joe Paterno and he mentioned the fear he might have retiring and not knowing what to do since football has been his whole life for so long. Coach is a bit self focused and narcissistic as he puts his own needs ahead of the organization. At some point he might need to be encouraged by the AD to step down or just stay in the press box.
Wasn't it the Iowa game when the announcers were saying Joe would probably be down on the field in the 2nd half. When they panned to the press box and got a shot of coach P. he had his head down and looked really tired or else he was napping. You can say what you want but he's a true captain of his ship. There was also an interview with Brent Musburger when they were talking about Joe Paterno and he mentioned the fear he might have retiring and not knowing what to do since football has been his whole life for so long. Coach is a bit self focused and narcissistic as he puts his own needs ahead of the organization. At some point he might need to be encouraged by the AD to step down or just stay in the press box.

I've thought the same thing about JoePa, that he is putting himself before the good of the team. He's done a lot for the game of football in general and Penn State football in particular but it's time for him to step down and let the next head coach take over.
It may or may not be time for Paterno to retire, but one thing I believe for sure is that he has earned the right to go out on his own terms. He's been with that program for what, 60 years? And with all he's done for them.. It's a similar situation to Bobby Bowden at FSU, but in the end, Bowden ended up more or less being forced out. Time will tell, but the same may end up happening with Paterno. Except for the fact that JP is still winning..
Why does Mack Brown get so much credit, then? He is one of the supreme delegators in college football.

The micro-managers like Saban and Meyer aren't that common. Mostly because the majority of them over-think things and do too much meddling, thus digging their own grave. The ones who can micro-manage and win championships are extremely rare.

Who the hell gives Mack Brown credit? He's generally regarded as a bad game coach who underachieves with all the talent he has each year and lucked into one title by riding Vince Young the entire season.
Who the hell gives Mack Brown credit? He's generally regarded as a bad game coach who underachieves with all the talent he has each year and lucked into one title by riding Vince Young the entire season.

This. For all the five star recruits and top three recruiting classes Brown has reaped at Texas, he still has only one national title to show for it...and that was because Vince Young was Superman.

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