Is it just me or does Stanzi refuse to make adjustments?


Well-Known Member
Like the announcers said on his INT, he had it in his mind where to throw the ball before the play even started, so that's where he went with it despite the coverage. This seems like it happens a lot, where Stanzi sets his mind on one play and fails to realize that there are other opportunities and open receivers on other areas of the field. I also never see him make adjustments at the line after a defense shows its coverage, something that a 5th year senior should be able to do, especially when leading a game winning drive at the end of the 4th quarter. It's like the coaching staff has drilled all of the instinct out of Stanzi and turned him into a robot.
He definitely seemed to lock onto DJK on the pick. However, I think he's done a much better job about that this year. He's checked down too early at times, but he's not forced passes deep where he seems to make up his mind before the snap nearly as often as he did a year ago (see: Indiana 2009).
Like the announcers said on his INT, he had it in his mind where to throw the ball before the play even started, so that's where he went with it despite the coverage. This seems like it happens a lot, where Stanzi sets his mind on one play and fails to realize that there are other opportunities and open receivers on other areas of the field. I also never see him make adjustments at the line after a defense shows its coverage, something that a 5th year senior should be able to do, especially when leading a game winning drive at the end of the 4th quarter. It's like the coaching staff has drilled all of the instinct out of Stanzi and turned him into a robot.

very well said seems robotic to me as well..........
I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. A player doesn't have a 68% completion average on the season without making adjustments. You don't get through 10 games with only 4 picks without making adjustments. As much as I hear about people saying blitz more and quit running the ball so much/conservatively, we should have been conservative! That touchdown where Greenwood got beat, Morris blitzed up the middle. Can't say what would have happened if we had him in coverage, but it couldn't have hurt.
He may be 68%, but not when it has really counted. Some of that is on Stanzi. But, certainly, some of that (maybe a lot of that) falls in another place in this program. Where he gets his marching orders.
Stanzi has had 3 chances to lead Iowa to a victory and he has failed every time! Why he tried to throw deep into the wind and double coverage is beyond me!!
Stanzi is so much better this year its not even up for debate. People need a scapegoat it would seem. Without Rick, Iowa would be in a lot of trouble this season.
Stanzi is so much better this year its not even up for debate. People need a scapegoat it would seem. Without Rick, Iowa would be in a lot of trouble this season.

This is an understatement to say the least. We would be in deep deep trouble.
Stanzi is so much better this year its not even up for debate. People need a scapegoat it would seem. Without Rick, Iowa would be in a lot of trouble this season.

This is true. It's also true that when his team needed him to step up yesterday, he didn't do it. He failed badly.

Rick Stanzi has been a great QB, but he is not above criticism.
Ricky has played better statistically this season, but needs more freedom turn it loose looks like he is not reacting. Afraid too make a play.
I love how some want to lay this at the feet of Ricky Stanzi. The same Ricky Stanzi that guided his team to a lead against Wisconsin to only see his defense and special teams let down. Remember, Iowa trailed Wisconsin numerous times in that game and each time Ricky guided the offense for the lead. The defense, against Wisconsin then gives up a 8 min plus drive leaving Ricky and the offense with 50 seconds to win the game. Your going to lay that at Ricky's feet. Ridiculous.

Fast forward to Indiana last week. Ricky guides his team down the field in 3 plays to TAKE THE LEAD AGAIN!. If not for a dropped pass in the endzone by Belcher, Indiana wins that game as well, thanks to the Iowa defense. But I'll guarantee you had Indiana scored and left Iowa with what I believe was around 30 seconds remaining and Ricky and the offense didn't go the length in 30 seconds, fans would be blaming Ricky for that as well. Again, ridiculous.

Now take on the Northwestern game. Ricky guides the team to a 17 to 7 advantage with around 8 minutes remaining in the game. Ricky throws one ill advised pass that is intercepted at what I believe was around the 15 yard line of NORTHWESTERN, not Iowa's 15 but NORTHWESTERN'S 15 YARD LINE and all the sudden Ricky is the problem. Look I could understand the argument had Ricky thrown a pick deep in his own territory, but that pick still made Northwestern have to go 80+ yards to score, which they did, quickly I'll add. Then Northwestern gets the ball again and proceeds to go on a 90+ yard drive to take the lead....and somehow the result of this game is layed at Stanzi's feet? What, he guided the team to a 17 to 7 lead with 8 minutes to go in the game only to watch his defense give up 170+ yards and 14 points to Northwestern in under 8 minutes time. Folks, that's not on Ricky Stanzi, that's on the vaunted Iowa defense.
Stanzi is so much better this year its not even up for debate.

And yet, much like our defense, he has not performed when it mattered most. And, in the end, that is all that matters.

He can throw 50 TDS and 0 INTs, but if he fails to lead the team down the field for the game winning points, then the stats don't mean squat.
I believe Rick also threw an interception on the exact same play against Penn St earlier in the year. He has it set in his mind that that is where he is going with the ball even though it's obviously not there.

He is ten times better this year at checking down and making better reads, but he still shows the same tendencies as he did last year. He makes his decision at the line of scrimmage as to where he is going with the ball and it doesnt' seem to matter what the coverage gives him or doesn't give him. A lot of his picks last year were because of the very same reason...

I agree with Jon though...we are lucky to have him this year and JV will learn a lot from playing behind Rick.
I am not concerned about Stanzi's inability to make decisions or his passing skills. What I am very concerned with is the 3rd and long w/16 sec to go and a short pass to the RB again. There was no time-outs. Same thing but opposite side as against Wisconsin which ended the game.
A combination of poor special teams and lack of a 2 minute drill (sans the 3 play drive against Indiana) has kept this team from being undefeated.
Iowa has still not been beaten by more than a TD in over three freaking years. But the amount of losses doesn't reflect that stat. I would much rather trade two close losses for one blowout. The strategy of playing as the underdog in every game keeps the games close, but sometimes you just have to go for the kill. Wisconsin and NW are games Iowa would have won with that mentality and nearly came back to beat Arizona after the opening fiasco to win playing like that.
Another thing all three losses have in common? The defense let AZ, WIS, and NW have "game winning drives" late in the 4th qtr to beat them. If the defense holds serve... we still win those games. The defense was also lucky Indiana didn't do the same thing.
Bottom Line: The defense we thought we were going to have this year has not been the same after losing our LB to the NFL. We are so close to being great... but were not.
This is true. It's also true that when his team needed him to step up yesterday, he didn't do it. He failed badly.

Rick Stanzi has been a great QB, but he is not above criticism.

Rick makes plenty of adjustments and has had a hell of a year. He didn't play his best game but he has been money in the 4th quarter going back to last year. He is calm, collected, and a great leader that the team believes in.

Since some of you feel he failed in the 4th quarter, I distinctly remember 4 drops in that very quarter and 3 on the last drive. He mad a bad choice on the interception. Last week and during the Michigan game people were ******** that we took our foot off the gas. You know playing not to lose. Which is it?

I think Vandy will be a good QB but Stanzi is the main reason we are where we are. You can't deny the difference between 2009 and 2010 in his ability to make adjustments and good decisions. Get real!
Rick makes plenty of adjustments and has had a hell of a year. He didn't play his best game but he has been money in the 4th quarter going back to last year. He is calm, collected, and a great leader that the team believes in.

Since some of you feel he failed in the 4th quarter, I distinctly remember 4 drops in that very quarter and 3 on the last drive. He mad a bad choice on the interception. Last week and during the Michigan game people were ******** that we took our foot off the gas. You know playing not to lose. Which is it?

I think Vandy will be a good QB but Stanzi is the main reason we are where we are. You can't deny the difference between 2009 and 2010 in his ability to make adjustments and good decisions. Get real!

I completely agree with everything you said hawkdoctor, but especially the part I bolded.
Defense is the problem for sure we are 0-4 when we need a stop on defense and got lucky with a win against IU.

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