Is Greg Davis even calling the plays today?


Well-Known Member
Figured this deserved its own thread because it will be discussed...

Outside of that bubble screen (which failed), the formations and plays are 100% Ferentz-ball. I-form, power and zone blocking with waggles and PA off of it. This is 2002-2003 Iowa offense with Russel, Lewis* and Cervantes running behind strong lines.
It's what works at Iowa. Pound the rock and set up the pass off of the run. Five wide and stuff might be fun, but it just isn't Iowa. We need to be dominant up front and beat people up. Davis does need to go.

People wanted Ken O'Keefe run out of town in the worst way, and those people have gotten what they've asked for.
On moorehouse twitter says davis has been away from huddle all game, rumor is lil ferentz is calling game
It's about time. What kills me is how fans can see this about week 2 or 3 and it takes the coaches 6 games to figure it out.
Davis is home trying to get Ferentz's 12" shoes out of his azz. Yep, haven't seen a 2 yrd out pattern all game. Davis is not relevant in college football anymore. Time ot move on.
that 2nd half looked like a greg davis called half but Iowa could have punted on every first down and still won.
Good thread. Until CJ got his reps, I saw no evidence of GD play-calling. Even after CJ, it was intermittent. Kudos to the O in any case. They played well today.
Figured this deserved its own thread because it will be discussed...

Outside of that bubble screen (which failed), the formations and plays are 100% Ferentz-ball. I-form, power and zone blocking with waggles and PA off of it. This is 2002-2003 Iowa offense with Russel, Lewis* and Cervantes running behind strong lines.

Whoever called the plays, keep it up. It look much more like the play calling against Pitt.

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