Iowa's football philosophy


Well-Known Member
A.) You can out-execute your opponent (KF's philosophy)
B.) You can out-gamble your opponent (Paul Rhoads-ISU)
C.) You can out-scheme your oppenent (Chris Petersen-Boise St.)

Teams that use A,B and C are hard to beat.

Iowa's problem: We are stubbornly devoted to A, and when A isn't working, B and C don't exist.

Kirk Ferentz is a class act and I hope he stays at Iowa for a long time, but I'd love to see him mix in some B and C. Iowa Football is painful to watch to the casual observer and I'm afraid the status quo will hurt recruiting and increase apathy in our fan base. Go Hawks!
I agree. Last night, in the last game of the year, they take a delay of game penalty after getting a first down in the red zone. At the end of the first half, they waste 40 seconds and have a typical wasted drive at the end of a half. At the end of the 3rd, they make an 8-minute touchdown drive with not a lot of sense of urgency. Stuff like that happens way too much for a program that's 13 years in.

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