Iowa's Current Computer Rankings

Massey has two polls: Their own Massey college football poll (#23) and a composite poll where they average about 30 individual computer ranking systems. You are correct that they are #26 in the Massey composite poll.

The computers loved Iowa this year because of the difficulty of their schedule.
I hope the computers don't pick Iowa's opponent in the upcoming bowl game...

BTW, isn't that a great marketing tool for some bowl?;) Iowa, the 20ish ranked team in composite computer polls. Yeah, that'll sell a lot of tickets.
I have to say that more or less enjoyed all 24 games this year.

The 12 I watched and

the 12 I heard on the radio.
Aww, someone got triggered. Pretty salty, better get used to disappointment, because it's coming for ya
It cracks me up how all the teenagers these days use the words "triggered" and "salty". Let me guess, he was tilted too?

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