Iowannarock Fantasy Baseball


Well-Known Member
Iowannarock Fantasy Baseball is moving from Yahoo to CBS, effective immediately. Because of the move, we've had a few defections. The league has always been mostly made up of active HNers, and I'd like to keep it that way. So, if anyone is interested in joining, please let me know. If you are not familiar with CBS's free fantasy baseball, you can check it out here:
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League Information
League NameIowannarock
League TypePrivate
Set LineupsWeekly
DescriptionRefugees from Yahoo!
Draft DateMarch 03/26/14, 8:30 PM ET *tonight*
Draft StyleLive Draft
Scoring SystemH2H
Player PoolBoth AL/NL
Created byBrian Schwartz
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Originally scheduled for tonight, but may have to move it because of the attrition in moving over from Yahoo.
Draft is set for 7:30 PM tonight. If we don't hit 10, then we can re-establish the league and try again.

Brian Schwartz has invited you to join a Fantasy Baseball league! To accept this invitation and join the league, click the link below (or cut and paste the link into your browser's address field):
League Password: gold
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Thanks. I just joined.

Also, its says the draft is 8:30 ET. So 7:30 central for any other potential league members
I doubt we make the 10 needed to draft tonight. From CBS:
"If your league does not have 10 team owners as of 5 minutes prior to the draft, your league will be disbanded and each owner will have to join or create another league."

Basically, they release your teams back into the pool, and then you are free to join any league. So, I will have to re-create the league with a new draft time and then invite you all again. I'd like to get 10 commits and a draft time picked before we try again, so that we don't have this problem.
No takers? If I don't get a few more bites, I'm just going to drop the league completely. Let me know if interested.