IOWA-Wisky poured down the drain game thread.

Not sure I follow the logic of leaving points on the field. Time and place KF and that isn't the Time and or the Place. I get and like the new Kirk but let's not get carried away..

This. I get it, it's the "new" Kirk. But it doesn't matter if he still makes stupid decisions.

You're on the road. There's a strong wind.....take the points.
Ok its cool KF will go for it on 4th downs now....can we just advise him when its best to do so? I hope this doesn't come back to hurt and getting some momentum early would have been nice but 3-3 works right now too.
I love the call. And it won't be a 10 point swing because Wisconsin was going to get the ball back for this possession reguardless.
Definite hold on wisky caputo, cant deny the receiver chance to run his route.

Should have kicked a fg and tie this baby up.

Now wisky has the wind

The wind is blowing across.

Notice both of the FG's and the fact that both kickoffs were short and to the same side going both directions.
D is not breaking but we need points

And that is why you take the fg cuz you havent established the run and you are missing your best playmaking receiver.

But still 3-0, just need to get some run game going to take pressure off CJ

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