IOWA-Wisky poured down the drain game thread.


Well-Known Member
11:00 kickoff and I have to leave at 11:00. In almost any event in my life I would skip it but a church commitment I just don't feel right skipping that. Good luck Hawks. Prayers for Iowa to play to the best of their abilities and no injuries for either team.GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping we see some breakout players downfield today. I don't know anything about Connie's defense so I'm not sure what to expect.
Time for me to head out. Good luck to the Hawks as they eat some badger for lunch. Thanks to all the posters for your contributions, I'll enjoy reading them in about 4 hours.
Definetly played pretty conservative on D that drive. Softer coverage so I suppose the game plan is to make Stave beat us with his arm.
Nice to see some extra Hawks made the trip. Derrick King and Mike Vandenberg.
Guess the announcers had a good night on State St.
Good field position. The offensive line needs to start blocking. Whisky was getting way too much penitration on our first possession.