Iowa vs Mich St results tonight

Ballweg up now against Trombley. Trombley throws him right to his back but Ballweg gets right off and no takedown rewarded. Ballweg goes right back and gets his own takedown 2-0.
Mark riding tough and working a bar arm but having trouble turning him. There is the escape. Ballweg leads 2-1 with 1:28 riding time.

Ballweg gets the underhook and chin and throws him to his back. There is the fall in 2:05!!
Chiri up against Osterman now. This could be a tough matchup for the Hawks here. Chiri has to stay in good position.
Chiri tries and under arm spin and can't get it so Osterman does one of his own and finishes. 2-0 Osterman.
Chiri is getting ridden hard and can't get to his base right now. Tries a roll and gets his escape to make it 5-1.
Osterman in on a low single and brings him. Chiri tries a quick throw and gets put on his own back. Now 9-2 Osterman plus over 2 minutes riding time.
Osterman takes neutral in the 3rd. Leading 9-2 plus riding time. Chiri needs a takedown to avoid the major.
Cheza in on a couple shots but can't finish either one. Both guys are banging pretty good here. Derek in on a shot and finishes. 2-0 St John :47 left in the 1st.
Cheza immediately to his feet but Derek gets him back down. Cheza with the quick reversal and a 3 point nearfall. 5-2 Cheza end of 1st.
It was a granby roll by Cheza that got him the nearfall with it.

Cheza takes down and gets the 2uick escape but St John drops in right away and gets the takedown. Now 6-4 Cheza.
THere is the stall warning on Cheza and the 2nd period will end 7-6.

St John takes neutral to start the 3rd.
Derk drops in on a single and switches off immediately and dumps him for the td. 8-7 St John plus riding time and Cheza is flat on the mat not trying to do anything.

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