Iowa/Utah St Game thread

you offering?

I did finkbine this year, it was ok but didn’t run into anyone I know. But it was easy access to the Rec Center where the band does their pregame
Our spot is a private lot on Myrtle, easy 10 minute walk. $350 for the year in a dedicated spot, no time restrictions. If you wanna be there early you can. Which is what we usually do. Great group, plenty of booze but everything’s family friendly. If you’re still looking before next season gimme a shout. We like it enough that I’m never giving my spot up.
I watched Nunge play for Xavier today, and we wouldn’t have lost all three of those last games. He’s a legit P5 big man.

Not blaming him whatsoever, nothing but love for Jack. But he would’ve completed our team this year.
Yep, we would be legit B10 contenders this year with Nunge.