Iowa to change practice times to 6am

How incredibly rude and disrespectful to refer to someone with the grace and character of Kirk Ferentz as a has been. Guess what, bubba... at least he HAS been. You are a never was. As far as life achievements and personal character go I doubt you could carry the jock of the guy who carries his jock.
And sychophants like you are exactly what is wrong with Iowa football right now. I in no way questioned Ferentz' character. I, like you, feel that he has been a fine representative of the University of Iowa. However, he is a has-been when it comes to coaching, he is stubborn, tone-deaf when it comes to the fans (I understand that coaches need to be to a certain degree), blind as a bat when it comes to analyzing talent, or doing anything different from 10 years ago. You remind me of the long-time Paterno fans who just could not believe that their coach did anything wrong. Fans need to get mad to get rid of this guy if he fails again. Unlike you, I am not willing to accept mediocrity in the Iowa Football program.
You don't have much to say that's positive. I'd like your opinion. Is there anything about the program that you think is good or do we need to blow it all up from the A.D. to the coaches, players, stadium all the way down to the concessions. I'm just curious.
I will be happy as hell as soon as Barta and Ferentz are gone and Bielema is coaching. Bielema, or at least a coach that plays to win, not to lose, one who recognizes talent and will not have them sit on the bench for three years. A coach that thinks a three yard pass on a 3rd and 8 is unacceptable, a coach who can manage a game clock. A coach who won't sit on the ball when there are still two minutes left in the first half. A coach who recognizes when something isn't do something different, not just think it was a matter of not executing the play properly. Hawkeye fans deserve better, the University deserves better. Did you like getting embarrassed by Iowa State, or in the Taxslayer Bowl, I didn't. So you old farts just kick back in your chairs at the home and drift back to the bad old days in the 70s' and think about how it could be so much worse, the Hawks will be back, but not with these clowns coaching them.
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How incredibly rude and disrespectful to refer to someone with the grace and character of Kirk Ferentz as a has been. Guess what, bubba... at least he HAS been. You are a never was. As far as life achievements and personal character go I doubt you could carry the jock of the guy who carries his jock.

Kirk wears a jock? Now that is news I can use.
6AM practices really mean little other than possibly sleep deprivation. Give me better recruiting, clock management, game day coaching and beating teams we should beat. Other than that this is nothing more than window dressing.
Maybe the coaches and players will be even more ready for those 11 AM kickoffs. Not that it is a consistent thing but sometimes the last 5-6 years the hawks started slow in games.
Start slow? I remember back in 2009 (a great season for the Hawks), we had just come out of a night game, winning on the last play of the game against Michigan State (a game that truly was an instant classic, but which I never see on the BTN). The next opponent was Indiana at Kinnick with an 11 AM start. Players admitted later to yawning during pre-game warm-ups. And indeed, seemed to sleep-walk through most of three quarters before waking up with a vengeance in the 4th quarter.

Will this help? Time will tell. My hunch is they are just trying to get ahead of the heat.
Will someone explain to me, why even in a slow news cycle, this made the news. On a scale of 1-10 this is a 1, BFD practice times are earlier. Now publish survey #2 so we can continue to point out how f***ed up Barta is and we have something to talk about.

Hopefully the 12-0 start in 2015 helped answer your question.