Iowa the last 5 years


Well-Known Member
I looked through to see where Iowa ranks in the last 5 years and I think they are the 22 second best team in the country behind these teams (they aren't in any order):

Oklahoma State
Texas Tech
Michigan State
Penn St.
Ohio State
Boise State

Do you think this is acceptable? If you think Iowa has been better than any of those aforementioned teams let me know and I'll let you know why I picked them ahead of Iowa. And if there's a team you think has been better than Iowa let me know too.
Despite the head to head wins over South Carolina and Georgia Tech, I might put them on the list and remove a combination of Texas Tech, Missouri, Oklahoma State and Cincinnati. Also, add Arkansas to the list.

Personally, I think SC, GT and Arky are all better programs than TT, Mizzou, Okie Lite and Cincy.
over the last five years including a mediocre '07 and '11 I think Iowa is ahead of Texas Tech, Cincinnati, and Okie St in this list. TTEch had one really good year with not much defense, Cincinnati and okie st the same, play little defense.

I would take Iowa's usually great defense and kicking game over their offenses and I think our offense, even with its avg passing game, over their weaker defenses because Iowa could really run the ball against them.
I remember the really bad teams........we haven't been super the last couple years but we are ok and look great at times
At least 10% of the teams ranked ahead of us have been cheating so move us ahead of OSU, USC, Auburn. PSU is clearly under suspicion so add them. There are others on that list that just haven't been caught yet so Iowa is a Top 20 program...sometimes a Top 10 program when we are in an up cycle. Next year will be 8-4ish maybe better...after that we will be back in an upcycle. Good things ahead.
I looked through to see where Iowa ranks in the last 5 years and I think they are the 22 second best team in the country behind these teams (they aren't in any order):

Oklahoma State
Texas Tech
Michigan State
Penn St.
Ohio State
Boise State

Do you think this is acceptable? If you think Iowa has been better than any of those aforementioned teams let me know and I'll let you know why I picked them ahead of Iowa. And if there's a team you think has been better than Iowa let me know too.

Tell me why you picked them ahead of Iowa.
Is this by record, or something...

Tell me why you picked them ahead of Iowa.

Cincinnati was a tough one because they were really good with Brian Kelly as their coach and not so good now. I went back and forth as to if they should be ahead of Iowa but ultimately put them here because they won 10 games three years straight with 2 BCS appearances, they have potential for another 10 win year this year.

The flip side is the Big East is awful so it's hard to gauge how good their 10 win years have been.

Missouri has 3 ten win season in what I see to be a better conference though.
Why is Michigan State ahead of us? I would put us ahead of them or even with them. If you go over the last 2 years I understand it, but not over a 5 year period.
Why is Michigan State ahead of us? I would put us ahead of them or even with them. If you go over the last 2 years I understand it, but not over a 5 year period.

Their similar to us I think. I'm more or less thinking they win this week and I think that puts them ahead of us.
Why don't you post the coach's salaries of each of those programs and then we can make a judgement. My biggest problem with KF is when he plays not to lose we usually lose. If were going to lose lets go down swinging.
Why don't you post the coach's salaries of each of those programs and then we can make a judgement. My biggest problem with KF is when he plays not to lose we usually lose. If were going to lose lets go down swinging.

More or less because I want to see where Iowa stands on the field and my personal opinion is that salary isn't relevant to that (not that I don't understand why some people view to be relevant) and because coaches salaries don't interest me much.
More or less because I want to see where Iowa stands on the field and my personal opinion is that salary isn't relevant to that (not that I don't understand why some people view to be relevant) and because coaches salaries don't interest me much.
I assure you Iowa University isn't paying him 3 and 1/2 million year to finish in the middle of the pack. It doesn't bother me whatsoever to have an off year but this coaching staff costs us on average two losses a year not the players. Last year was the fake punt with Wisconsin that lost us that game. Everybody in the stands was aware of the situation. Two years in row surprised by a on side kick by Minnesota. The deep frustration that is building is our offense performance deteriates the tougher the competition. We have the most predictable offense there is and quite frankly it makes you miserable to watch it. Come on Nebraska gives up 28 points a game and we score one touchdown in the waning moments, it was not the players it was the game plan. Since we wern't making progress with our normal offense would have it hurt to go to a spread offense with no huddle. Shake it up a little.