Iowa Takes ANF to another level

This video shows how many ISU players it takes to put in a lightbulb. 1 CPR to screw it in, 1 to hold the ladder, the rest to jerk off Seneca. lol... this might get me banned. lol... worth it.

This made me laugh out loud in a crowded restaurant.
"Be one...of maybe 20,000 per game, if we're really lucky."
Clown fever: don't worry, it's not contagious.
Posted this on twitter last night before I saw Jon's cut/paste job this morning. To paraphrase, I'm not sure how I feel about this. The ANF lgo/message has been around for what, 25 years or so? Why does it need a corporate sponsor now when it's clearly stood the test of time?
Posted this on twitter last night before I saw Jon's cut/paste job this morning. To paraphrase, I'm not sure how I feel about this. The ANF lgo/message has been around for what, 25 years or so? Why does it need a corporate sponsor now when it's clearly stood the test of time?

Well, if this thread is any indicator, they did it to troll Iowa State. Of course, why do they need corporate sponsorship to "celebrate heroes" too? Welcome to modern college football.

In somewhat related local news on my end, Florida St. recently announced their ANJ, or "America Needs Jorts" awareness campaign.
Well, if this thread is any indicator, they did it to troll Iowa State. Of course, why do they need corporate sponsorship to "celebrate heroes" too? Welcome to modern college football.

In somewhat related local news on my end, Florida St. recently announced their ANJ, or "America Needs Jorts" awareness campaign.

To be honest, the hysterics of how Iowa State fan (CyFan posters, notably Al4State) would react is one of the first things I thought of.

But in all seriousness, ANF has been around long enough that it doesn't need Farm Bureau to bring anymore attention to it.
I guess I come from another time when farmers were farmers and not small (or large) agribusinesses that farmed one crop and one crop only with no rotation of crops. I guess the definition of a farmer today is one who has 1,000 acres or more. I understand there are few small farmers left in Iowa and Wisconsin today who are self-sufficient and treat the land like it is supposed to be treated. These big agribusinesses who call themselves farmers are no more farmers than the man in the moon. Plant one crop, fertilize the hell out of land (even though much of it ends up in our surface water), spread insectides all over the fields, and then harvest the crop and then bail what is left. Turn the land over immediately although there is no longer any organic material to be plowed under after harvesting. Much topsoil blows away during the winter and the "farmer" takes a break until springtime when he starts the process all over again. Most "farmers" today till dead fields that only support crops when heavily fertilized.

It used to be that birds followed the plows. Now they don't because there is no life left in the topsoil. "Farmers" today are getting as much as they can from the land with little to no regard for the long as they get their crop subsidies for growing crops that aren't needed.

And yes, I grew up on a farm...

So the ANF is a fairly hollow acronymn these days...although it does sound good.
So the ANF is a fairly hollow acronymn these days...although it does sound good.

This. The ANF thing was a marketing gimmick back then, and it's a gimmick now. Partnering with The Farm Bureau does not equal helping farmers.

I'm sure the plaza will be very nice.
[ame=""]‪MadTv- Whole 'Nother Level‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


Go Hawks!

Sorry the link isn't right there, but follow the HNL link. It's worth it.
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