Iowa Offers Ross Travis


Well-Known Member
Knows how to attack the basket...Chaska, MN player...

[ame=]YouTube - Ross Travis Part 1[/ame]
I really hope we can get this kid. He maybe be a 2 or 3 star by recruiting services, but I don't care. The kid can create his own shot which is HUGE! I've loved him ever since I saw his youtube videos.
Wonder if Iowa is going after this kid over say Josh Olgesby?

If they so choose they can still go with both, especially with the extra scholarship due to Cougill's academic problems. It is my understanding that Oglesby is projected as a SG while Travis is projected as a SF. Then again maybe this is an indication that the staff has different priorities in mind ahead of Josh Oglesby.
As an Oglesby critic i would love to see Fran go after Ross rather then Oglesby, and with the recent offer it seems to be the case.

If you look at the roster for 2011-2012 it looks like we could use 2 SF but definitely not 2 SG

Payne Jr/ Cartwright Sr/
Gatens Sr/ Marble So/ Sotermer Sr
May Jr/ McCabe So
Basabe So
Brommer Sr/ Archie Sr

McCabe will also play some 4.

If we have 4 scholarships we obviously need at least 1 4 and 1 5. This leaves 2 scholarships. At this point I think we go with best available. 2 SF would be okay and if needed one of them could play some 4.

I think Oglesby would be a fine B10 player but we just aren't really needing a SG --certainly no more than one-- and he isn't the best available at this point

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