Iowa not as good nor Michigan not as bad

To answer the op, you don't decide how good or bad a team is with one game. We know how good Michigan is by watching them all year and we know how bad Iowa is by watching them all year.

Why can't it be a better-than-average team played very good (at least defensively) and a very good team played less-than-their-best.

It happens.

Every week in college football.

Five top ten teams this week. Can't be they all had worse game plans ever.

Penn State overpowered Iowa's defense. It's not unreasonable for Harbaugh to think his offense that has overpowered just about everyone this season to think Iowa couldn't be.

That being said, I don't remember seeing a whole lot of routes crossing the face of Iowa's LBs on 3rd and 7.
Defense played well, but if their QB played well at all they would gave had 3 long TD passes. We were burned several times, and he flat out missed the receivers.
It's and butts
And squirrel's nuts