Iowa/ISU - is there a single position...

I'd take Lamaak at C ... and that's it.

ISU may have a few other players that are potentially "better" than their Iowa equivalents ... however, I'm not convinced that they'd be a better option in Iowa's offensive or defensive systems.

A few examples ....

- Sims is probably better than Greenwood ... however, there's no way that I'd take him over Greenwood (besides, his off-field behavior draws up a big red flag).

- Alex Robinson is possibly better than his Iowa equivalents. However, no way do I take him over Iowa's guys.

- Franklin is definitely up there with Reisner ... however, again I douldn't take him over Reisner.

- Osemele could possibly be a good OG at Iowa. However, I'm not convinced that he'd be able to move well enough to usurp Gettis or MacMillan.

- I love Knott's upside. He's probably better than Bruce Davis. However, I wouldn't trade Bruce for him. However, he's definitely NOT better than Tarp.

- Leonard Johnson is probably better than either Castillo or Hyde ... however, he's not better than Prater. However, again, I wouldn't take him over his Iowa equivalents ... ISU has given up the long ball way too much.

- Darks and/or Sedrick Johnson might be better than Sandeman, however, I wouldn't take them over Colin.
So you should just say Lamaak then. Why write a novel saying some of ISU's players are "probably" and "possibly" better, but you still wouldn't take them?
Dude ... football is a team sport. You can't win if you don't score points. Iowa's D, however talented, doesn't put points on the board like many of the other Ds out there. However, they typically do help give the O nice field position. However, that alone doesn't equate to points. It is a fact that Stanzi leads the Iowa down the field and into the end-zone. Stanzi's arm propelled Iowa to victories over PSU in '08 and MSU in '09 ... and those are but two examples. While Sash may have helped swing momentum back in favor of Iowa in the Indiana game ... Iowa wouldn't have won without Stanzi's big 4th quarter.

Stanzi can't win many ball games in any quarter if the defense gives up 50 points a game. It's a chicken and egg thing, no one person or group is completely responsible for a win or loss.
Why write a novel saying some of ISU's players are "probably" and "possibly" better, but you still wouldn't take them?

Keep up with your remedial reading classes and one day you won’t be challenged by such lengthy posts. :)

Aside from that Homer keep up the great analysis.
An All-Big 12 player and a multi-year starter. Even Jon Miller will take him on the team. So please LMAO (whatever that is) at him as well.
He has them both on the squad. He didn't choose Osemele over Reiff like you did. Get your facts straight. Maybe that's too much to ask though from someone who can't figure out what LMAO stands for.

Reiff's the best offensive lineman in Iowa. Period.

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