Iowa is the ONLY team in the country...

Not when you struggle to beat an FCS team at home. That's almost as bad as losing on the road to an average FCS-level team (ability wise).

Just saying, if Iowa had won by 1 yesterday, would anybody be any less frustrated?

Yes, If they don't punch in that last TD and Iowa would have won 21-16 I would still have said they go 0-4 in November.

New Mexico St won at Minnesota for Christ Sakes. What did people see yesterday that they think this Iowa D can stop the run or pass? Gray was completing less than 49% of his passes for the year, yet completed 11 of 17 or 65% yesterday.
Re: "Wasting" our best offense since '02

Why, because not everybody is a negative nancy?

I just love when people get all butt hurt after a loss - any loss - and then are as high as a kite after a win - any win.


oooooh **** we lost to Minny, worst team ever, fire Ferentz, O'keefe, Norm, blow up the stadium, kill your first born!

Bi. Polar.

Iowa isn't losing out. Just not going to happen. Any fan knew that this would be a rebuilding year, since, you know, the Hawks lost a lot from the last three teams that had pretty successful years.

A lot of people point out this phenomenon, but they seem to think it's one group of fans making all the noise. Is the board as a whole bi-polar? Yes. However, beating Indiana didn't make me feel much better about the direction of the program, and I'm sure the ones that are most vocal about cleaning house aren't the same as those cheery types who got on here to revise their predictions to 10-2 after beating Northwestern and the Hoosiers.
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Re: "Wasting" our best offense since '02

A lot of people point out this phenomenon, but they seem to think it's one group of fans making all the noise. Is the board as a whole bi-polar? Yes. However, beating Indiana didn't make me feel much better about the direction of the program, and I'm sure the ones that are most vocal about cleaning house aren't the same as those cheery types who got on here to revise their predictions to 10-2 after beating Northwestern and the Hoosiers.

Prediction 10-2 is just as dumb as predicting 5-7 IMO.

This is a rebuilding year. It's too bad people had unrealistic expectations for what was obviously going to be a very mediocre year.
Re: "Wasting" our best offense since '02

Why, because not everybody is a negative nancy?

I just love when people get all butt hurt after a loss - any loss - and then are as high as a kite after a win - any win.


oooooh **** we lost to Minny, worst team ever, fire Ferentz, O'keefe, Norm, blow up the stadium, kill your first born!

Bi. Polar.

Iowa isn't losing out. Just not going to happen. Any fan knew that this would be a rebuilding year, since, you know, the Hawks lost a lot from the last three teams that had pretty successful years.

Go look at my post history - I am not negative. If you want to live in a fantasy land and think this team doesnt suck then go ahead. There is no way in the world this team can finish the season 3-1

What exactly have you seen over the past few weeks that justify you calling me out for calling out someone thinking we can go 3-1
Busabus & predator just hating'

I love my hawks with a passion not known to man, but ridicule them -no!

Theres just no such thing as hating something you truly love and enjoy! If watching the Hawks does not make you happy, and are more stressed than excited; you need to go cheer for the #1 team every week!

I really want to provide links to all the good things Ferentz does to better Iowa and peoples lives in communities he will never visit- let alone know those individuals.

Get over the fact you could not cut it at something on life, in the past or present, and feel the need to lurk (yes, lurk, creepily) on an Internet fan site, calling out the work of an individual you have never met.

Do you see what I did there? ....... Good. Yep, that is the exact opposite of what any real empathetic person would do.

I could link Jack Nicholson from a Few Good Men when he's on the stand. Basically, you could not possibly fathom what Kirk Ferentz did/does to make Iowa what it is! You watch and listen to the entertainment that Ferentz/Iowa provides, and question him in the manor that he provides it!

Just Disgusting!
Busabus & predator just hating'

I love my hawks with a passion not known to man, but ridicule them -no!

Theres just no such thing as hating something you truly love and enjoy! If watching the Hawks does not make you happy, and are more stressed than excited; you need to go cheer for the #1 team every week!

I really want to provide links to all the good things Ferentz does to better Iowa and peoples lives in communities he will never visit- let alone know those individuals.

Get over the fact you could not cut it at something on life, in the past or present, and feel the need to lurk (yes, lurk, creepily) on an Internet fan site, calling out the work of an individual you have never met.

Do you see what I did there? ....... Good. Yep, that is the exact opposite of what any real empathetic person would do.

I could link Jack Nicholson from a Few Good Men when he's on the stand. Basically, you could not possibly fathom what Kirk Ferentz did/does to make Iowa what it is! You watch and listen to the entertainment that Ferentz/Iowa provides, and question him in the manor that he provides it!

Just Disgusting!

WTF does this have to do with me saying this team cant finish 3-1? Did i ever question what KF has done for the state, program, university, community, etc?? Have I ever called for KF to be fired? No and no

Just because I dont think this Iowa team can win 3 of their last 4 doesnt mean I am not a good/loyal Iowa fan. I will be driving 600 miles this weekend to support the team and cheer them on.

Get off your high horse and stop being a dbag

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