Kirk Herbstriet (sp) thinks so. Said he sees OSU playing Iowa in the championship game but he did say OSU wins.
I don't believe it, do you have a video of him breaking down the Big Ten and picking Iowa?
I actually saw it as well. It is true.
That's the reason I am still ticked at the coaching staff (Ferentz) for playing for the tie and OT two years ago and and our defense for letting Pryor get away on that 4th and long last year. These chances for victory over fOSU have been few and far between over the years and I thought we let those two slip through our fingers.
Wow, some of you guys can really be d*cks sometimes. Is it really that big of a deal if somebody posts a duplicate post? Maybe some don't visit the site very frequently or want to page through threads to see if somebody has already brought it up.
Anywho, I have a hard time believing that Herbie really believes that OSU is going to win the B10. Maybe he just predicted that to keep those obsessed OSU crazies at bay.
If Iowa plays OSU, there could not be a worse matchup for Iowa. The saving grace would be that when OSU wins, they cannot go anywhere, so Iowa would be the representative by default. In my lifetime, Iowa has won about 6 six games against OSU...about one win per decade. OSU is one team I just do not want Iowa to play.