Iowa in a Elite Eight


Well-Known Member
Had Iowa not ****** away game they led for 35 minutes...

They could have played an overseeded UMass, a school I had not heard of before last week, and a team they beat by 20 points in the regular season.

Yes...I'm still very bitter about the way this season went in the crapper.
Hey this thread again!!

The fact that Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa State, Wisconsin, and MSU are all in the Sweet 16 adds an exclamation point to Iowa's disastrous finish to the season. This year will be one that will always be looked at with the question of what could have been.
The fact that Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa State, Wisconsin, and MSU are all in the Sweet 16 adds an exclamation point to Iowa's disastrous finish to the season. This year will be one that will always be looked at with the question of what could have been.

Why? Michigan, ISU, Wisky and MSU all played better than Iowa for most of the season. They all went through slumps but I dont think you can say Iowa has more talent that any of those four teams.
Iowa is not Elite 8 material at this time. If the tourney was held in January...maybe. They regressed and probably should have been in the NIT with Minnesota and Illinois. We need to move on to football.
So with this logic, if Coastal Carolina had just beaten Virginia, they would be playing MSU for a shot at the Elite 8..!?
The fact that Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa State, Wisconsin, and MSU are all in the Sweet 16 adds an exclamation point to Iowa's disastrous finish to the season. This year will be one that will always be looked at with the question of what could have been.

Don't break your heart over it. The teams you've mentioned may or may not advance beyond this level. At least one has a key player gone! Somewhere along the line everyone is beaten out and is done, and in a tournament situation, you don't get that return game to hopefully make up for an initial loss, so a team can't afford a poor showing. We just came out and gave a poor showing too many times this year.

So are we "better" than our record? Actually, the record pretty much tells the story of just how good we were overall. Flashes of greatness doesn't mean a team is truly that great. Even loser teams show flashes of greatness. It's only the teams who flash that greatness during most all of their games for extended periods who are usually considered great, and we didn't and aren't.

Maybe next year. But playing would'a could'a should'a only prolongs the pain. Let it go and let yourself heal.
In reality, who's to say we could have beaten them. *cough*NU*cough*

Ridic these keep popping up. Lez all move on...
Tennessee, Michigan, Iowa State, Wisconsin, and MSU - Iowa played all these teams and LOST w/ the exception of 1 fluke home win, so, no real reason to believe things "could" have been different. I am very optimistic about Iowa hoops. I think we took a step in the right direction this season. I am very optimistic about the future. But enough already, Iowa was not good enough to be anything other than what they were.

He was obviously listing Iowa's possible opponents in order. UMASS, Mercer (a school he had not heard of until last week), and Michigan (a team Iowa beat by 20 in the regular season).

It's not a fail on my part when someone writes in confusing grammar.

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