Iowa Football Vid


Well-Known Member
[ame=]YouTube - 2010 Iowa Hawkeye Football Preview[/ame]
Cool video. I love how Jewell is included in it. The only problem I have is the background at the beginning is almost a mich blue.
Outstanding video!! J Hampton looks quick. I didn't remember his quickness.

Totally geeked!

See you Saturday at Kinnick!
OMG...that just seriously made me drop a steamer! Great shots of Jewel and I CANT WAIT to see DJK and McNutty get stupid every game this yr!
LOL! I feel sorry for Wolverine fans. The initial color scheme of yellow on blue could possibly lead some of their faithful into believing that they might actually field a good team in 2010.

In all seriousness though ... one word ... GOOSEBUMPS!
Luvin the vid watched it twice here with my wife. She's ready to tackle someone right now. Me too. Let's get this party started already!!
Iowa defense is going to make some offensive coordinators cry. They are so much fun to watch! Ooooh Feel the pain!

sometimes a steamer may be dropped in one's pants from a sudden rush of excitment. Most are able to control this phenom after reaching puberty. Other's sadly still have bouts of steaming explosions at the sight of thrilling scenes.

McNutty and DJK getting stupid all year simply means that watching yards and touchdowns add up makes my pants tighter.
Jewl looked great and the routs the recievers were running looked like they were playing at another level. If Stanzi gets pertection this year it will be fun to watch our recievers shread the defence.
cool vid- the only thing that gets me is that if you take out the scrolling schedule in the last five seconds and it's not really a PREVIEW video...

Once again, very well done though
sometimes a steamer may be dropped in one's pants from a sudden rush of excitment. Most are able to control this phenom after reaching puberty. Other's sadly still have bouts of steaming explosions at the sight of thrilling scenes.

McNutty and DJK getting stupid all year simply means that watching yards and touchdowns add up makes my pants tighter.


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