Iowa Dayton game thread **Official**

Basabe had a touch of the flu. and still scored 15 pts and had 5 rebounds and was credited with 2 blks.
Cartwright had 11 assists and looked like last year's Cartwright
Marble 9 pts, 2 rbs, 4 assits, 2 stls and 1 blk
White 25 pts, 11 rbs, 2 assists
McCabe 20 pts 7 rbs and 2 assists
very solid game
I stood up, at home, and gave Gatens a standing O... Good Lord the crowd sounded amazing on tv and I am beyond P!ssed I didn't make the trip down for the game.

LEGGO tigers
Your welcome Jack. So nice to have all my slimes in the house!:cool:
All da Slimes be home, tonight.....

Gonna have to get used to this slime thing, starting to stick around......

One of the very best games of the year, Dayton was tough, but the Hawks were tougher......

Really good game by everyone, that full court basket by Brommer was the play of the game.....



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