Iowa blew this one


I've been positive pretty much the whole season but this loss gets to me. Sure it would have been an upset, sure Iowa did a lot of nice things, but they utterly threw it away by refusing to guard Sims. Especially near the end. There is no excuse for those 3 point plays. None. I'm still with Lick but this loss hurts because of the stupid mistakes when it counted.

I love the heart the Hawks showed tonight but this loss just makes me mad. Iowa gave it away.
How about Manny Harris playing the last 10-15 minutes (game time) with 4 fouls. We had an opportunity to go after him and take him out of the game and never took advantage of it.
Totally agree... this one is hard to swalllow. I can't understand why we don't foul on the last possession of regulation. I was even more shocked to see Michigan didn't foul at the end of overtime but we ended up going for two and it didn't matter since they won but I just they would foul for sure after seeing that not fouling cost us the win.
I've been positive pretty much the whole season but this loss gets to me. Sure it would have been an upset, sure Iowa did a lot of nice things, but they utterly threw it away by refusing to guard Sims. Especially near the end. There is no excuse for those 3 point plays. None. I'm still with Lick but this loss hurts because of the stupid mistakes when it counted.

I love the heart the Hawks showed tonight but this loss just makes me mad. Iowa gave it away.

Pretty much, although it was fouling Sims and not fouling Novak that ended up hurting them more than anything else. Not getting offensive rebounds at key times hurt as well.
Agreed! I am with Lick... I am putting this one on the players... They did not want to win this game! Biggest disappointment is a player who should be a veteran at this point even though he is a sophomore... going for a layup when there is only 13 sec left and there are no timeouts. There is a reason that Michigan let him drive like that!

The players need to step up and say NO MORE! This is the toughest loss I have had to swallow this year.. i put this way beyond the Ohio St loss.
I don't understand how they call a touch foul on us when Sims drove to the lane with 18 seconds left, but Fuller can't get a call with much more contact in the final seconds. Annoying.
Why didn't Lick have Iowa foul when they were up 3?

Who knows. It was one play of probably around 4 or 5 where if they had been made, Iowa wins. Or if they make one more free throw with the game on the line.

That's on Lick, but it wasn't the sole reason they lost tonight.
Iowa needed to get Gatens open on the inbound pass after the Sims 3 point play at the end of regulation, instead he runs back to half court and we pass it into Payne, probably our worst FT shooter. That's not good coaching and not good recognition by the players.
What stinks the most is Iowa probably played one of their best games all year and still could not get the win at home...

heck of a game by Fuller and Gatens tonight...

but coaching can over come good games and Lick did that tonight by blowing it.
Iowa needed to get Gatens open on the inbound pass after the Sims 3 point play at the end of regulation, instead he runs back to half court and we pass it into Payne, probably our worst FT shooter. That's not good coaching and not good recognition by the players.

This. You took the words right out of my mouth. I can't believe we throw the ball to a 58% free throw shooter in that situation.
What stinks the most is Iowa probably played one of their best games all year and still could not get the win at home...

heck of a game by Fuller and Gatens tonight...

but coaching can over come good games and Lick did that tonight by blowing it.

So at what point are the players held responsible? Maybe Fuller's teammates should have stepped it up... You can't blame Lick for Payne and Fuller missing critical ft's at the end.
I am with the crowd on this one, and I am a Lick fan. I can't say whether the lack of a foul on Novak was poor coaching or poor execution until I see a replay. I will say this: we have no player like Sims or Harris who can drain it from three even if totally smothered by the defender. We need at least one guy like that: he'd better be coming soon, or we'll be rebuilding again (and I will hate that).
Just rewatched the Fuller drive at the end of regulation. I'm even more ticked now then I was when it happened. Fuller had a half a step on Sims, went up strong to the hole, Sims arms were not straight up but pushed out towards Fuller's body and he made significant contact with Fuller, yet no call. But on the other end we tap Sims and it's a foul and a 3 point play? Pathetic officiating right there.
After 3 years of doesn't take long to get over another loss. Just kind of shrug your shoulders and move on to something else...the days of getting upset over Iowa losing games is long past...
I have been critical at times this year, but it's hard for me to fault Iowa tonight. They played their ***** off.

I would let Sims shoot that shot 10 more times in a row. He is a 31% three-point shooting big. Tip your cap. The shot he hit over Brommer from the right wing in overtime was another ridiculous shot. That was well defended. Sometimes they go in.

Michigan has at least two NBA players on their team in Sims and Harris. No on in the league has a Sims, and few have an answer for him when he is motivated like he was in the second half.

The Hawks busted their butts and came up short. It sucks, it hurts, but I refuse to pile on after an effort like that tonight against a team that has way more talent than Iowa.

Michigan might be the biggest disappointment in the nation this season, perhaps outside of UNC. Preseason Top 15 to just around .500. I'd probably be more ticked off were I a Michigan fan; at least we knew going into this year that it was another rebuilding year and we were going to take our lumps.

I loved what Fuller is growing into..and he leads the league in offensive rebounds. I thought Payne played a mostly mature floor game tonight, but shot selection and aggressiveness still needs to be addressed...Gatens played well, May expended a lot on defense, Brommer did a decent job in his 15 minutes but needs offensive work.

They led by 5 with :22 seconds to play...and they just havent learned how to close the door
Just rewatched the Fuller drive at the end of regulation. I'm even more ticked now then I was when it happened. Fuller had a half a step on Sims, went up strong to the hole, Sims arms were not straight up but pushed out towards Fuller's body and he made significant contact with Fuller, yet no call. But on the other end we tap Sims and it's a foul and a 3 point play? Pathetic officiating right there.

I dont have a problem with that call. They stayed out of the way and I didnt see anything egregious at all

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