Iowa band had issues at the game on Sat...

I grew up in central Iowa with a pretty strong dislike for ISU. It sort of waned over the years as I lived in Madison, Chicago, and now Denver.

However, this year brought me back. LOVE beating you d bags.
LOL. I grew up in Hampton. There were like two dozen ISU fan clubs and one Hawk club in the area. It's all I heard for years and years. Quality >> Quantity!
Good god.....someone got their poor little feelings will they ever survive in the real world? And then they wonder why everyone makes fun of them when they say they are a band member. Grow up already you freaking snowflakes! You are at a football game, not a church service.....

you are a d bag asshole because if a group was doing this to u or your family and friends u would be the first one to cry to the authorities.

nobody should have drunk asshole fans doing crap like this to what are official representatives and guests from the other school
you are a d bag asshole because if a group was doing this to u or your family and friends u would be the first one to cry to the authorities.

nobody should have drunk asshole fans doing crap like this to what are official representatives and guests from the other school
Again....where is the video?
Pretty hard to get a video and march at the same time D Bag! It's not acceptable for any fan base to do anything to visiting fanbases so quit trying to justify it clown!
This supposedly happened in the stands and after the game....... get with the program francis ..
Per another Iowa site.............................

"The band is meeting with Athletic Dept reps at tomorrow's rehearsal to provide more info. From what she saw (and told me yesterday) A). one Iowa Band TA was slapped by a female ISU fan when fan was asked not to cut through the band while they're marching (lady was trying to go in front of percussion which is not smart. B..After the game, the band went on the field to line up to march back to buses. This is what they were told to do by ISU staff. When on field an ISU Athletics employee got in the HMB director's face and told him to "get his f***ing band off the field. Band director explained situation. Employee yelled he didn't care, get f'in band off field. Director ended up taking picture of employee to make report. Got apology email from person before band made it to IC. Another TA (female) was evidently shoved into band while carrying ladder. Also beer cans were shaken opened and rolled under the band while they were marching to spray beer on the members and trip them as they marched. Child said also standard drunk student stuff, but the above stuff was done by adults. Band has been asked not to speak with media until after this is over..."

This sounds plausible, but until the public hears from the adults in this situation it is necessary to avoid over-reacting. If there was an email apology then there is evidence. If beer was tossed then the band uniforms will have odor. If individuals were cutting through the marching band then there maybe video. At this point it is speculation. If true then it maybe simply rude behavior, but if physical contact occurred with a band member or band staff then it is on ISU to review its security to provide some isolation from their fans.

I'm not against individuals enjoying adult refreshments, but this does not help those who drink responsibly being able to buy a beer during a game. Saturday's game start time probably had more than a few people well juiced before entering the stadium. The two delays probably further added to more indulging. I don't expect much will happen beyond ISU making efforts to prevent it happening in the future. Iowa can simply leave the band back in IC in the future if it so desires. If it gets worse in either Ames or IC then you have to reconsider this game being an annual affair. There was a long gap in the past and it was for a lot less than this.
This one time at Jack Trice band camp a guy named Scott50322a played with my flute, then I crammed it up his ass....good God dude, stfu, and stay where you're at. Hey, great OT win against UNI. I bet you got on UNI's forum and hammered on then also....
UNI has a fan forum?
Good god.....someone got their poor little feelings will they ever survive in the real world? And then they wonder why everyone makes fun of them when they say they are a band member. Grow up already you freaking snowflakes! You are at a football game, not a church service.....
Throwing objects at a sporting event goes above and beyond what should be tolerated at football games, church services, and anywhere else. They're the ones who need to grow up....and sober off.
Lets see some evidence you seriously think she would be totally separated from the entire band for this to happen.....quit making shit up
Sorry, I think Marc Morehouse carries a little more cred.

It wouldn't take much for a group of drunken rowdies to corner anyone, even if the band is nearby.
It's getting pretty bad when the band has to have police escorts while at a football game.
Where the hell was any security down there? The fans rush the field in the middle of the long delay? How the hell does that happen? Should have been a penalty when the game resumed. Total lack of class.
I did a lot of road trips with the band way back when and have done a lot of away games as a fan. It's no fallacy, there's a special douche-baggery that rears its head in Ames on a regular basis. Fact.

You can find one-off examples most anywhere of course...but it's consistently there in ames. Only the road trip to Arizona in 2010 surpasses it.

I was at that game and I believe it started at 7 PM Pacific time. People were tailgating all day and it was about 90 degrees out. There were probably less sober people than drunk ones by kickoff. I sat just behind Clayborn’s mom and we had quite a few hawk parents and fans around us, but I can imagine everywhere else in the stadium were some pretty rowdy wildcat fans.
Again....where is the video?

Do you actually think football players with all their gear and pads carry their cellphones while they are playing. Do you really think the band members are supposed to be carrying their cellphones while they are preparing for the game, during the game, in the stands, and after the game, I doubt it.

Now it doesnt even matter if really any of this happened because what you first posted is stupid enough in any situation like this that has happened because you are of the opinion to just let it slide crybabies. Please let me know when you take your wife and kids out for dinner (that is if you have a wife and kids which is a low probability) or when and where you go out to dinner with your friends, if you have any. Because I want to bring a bunch of my friends and sit at the table next to you and curse and swear at your group and throw food at you and see how you take it. This is what it would be like that your are making such a like case against.
Do you actually think football players with all their gear and pads carry their cellphones while they are playing. Do you really think the band members are supposed to be carrying their cellphones while they are preparing for the game, during the game, in the stands, and after the game, I doubt it.

Now it doesnt even matter if really any of this happened because what you first posted is stupid enough in any situation like this that has happened because you are of the opinion to just let it slide crybabies. Please let me know when you take your wife and kids out for dinner (that is if you have a wife and kids which is a low probability) or when and where you go out to dinner with your friends, if you have any. Because I want to bring a bunch of my friends and sit at the table next to you and curse and swear at your group and throw food at you and see how you take it. This is what it would be like that your are making such a like case against.

What planet do you live on? The band members were on their phones before, during, and after the game. They never put them down....if any of this actually happened, there would be video