IOWA=at-large BCS???


Active Member
If O$U plays like they did yesterday...they will be hard to beat.....say that they win out and go to the Rose Bowl....What r our chances of getting an at-large BCS game if we finish 11-1......I guess by strength of schedule it would look pretty good....the one thing that is tough is it seems the later u loss, the worse it affects u...let me know ur thoughts....
OSU beat up a horrible Minny team. Plus they we're angry because of what happened last week. They still have to get through PSU, Iowa, and then an emotional Michigan. I don't see them winning all three of those.
OSU beat up a horrible Minny team. Plus they we're angry because of what happened last week. They still have to get through PSU, Iowa, and then an emotional Michigan. I don't see them winning all three of those.

Agreed. I really believe that OSU will lose at least 1 of those three games.
Because of the last couple Big 10 showings in BSC bowls, it might be tough for the Big 10 to get a 2nd team again for a little while. But then again, not many teams travel like Iowa fans, so you never know...
Because of the last couple Big 10 showings in BSC bowls, it might be tough for the Big 10 to get a 2nd team again for a little while. But then again, not many teams travel like Iowa fans, so you never know...

If we only have 1 loss at the end of the season, for the sake of argument - OSU, don't we go to the Rose Bowl with a better overall record (OSU has 2 losses)?
I think we would get the at-large bid. Ohio State goes to the Rose Bowl because they beat us head-to-head. The BCS Bowls care about money more than anything else, so we would likely receive a birth because we travel/spend money so well.
Anyone who thinks an 11-1 Iowa team WILL NOT make a BCS bowl. Doesn't have a clue about the college football world.
Iowa has the benefit of 2 big 12 teams not making the BCS this year it looks like unless Ok. State wins the south. Of course a 12-0 Iowa team gets in a BCS bowl automatically.
If Ohio State wins out, and Iowa finishes 3-1 Iowa WILL play in a BCS Bowl. Zero question about it.

4-0 or 3-1: BCS Bowl
2-2: Capital One Bowl
1-3: Outback Bowl
0-4: Alamo Bowl
I guess we could break it down.....
there are 10 slots....NC game plus Rose/Fiesta/Sugar and Orange Bowls

NC game looks to be SEC winner vs TX so we'll pencil them in.
Rose Bowl gets B10 champ- tOSU (in your scenario) vs PAC 10 champ USC or Oregon
Fiesta would lose TX, their tie in so would choose 2 at-large
Sugar would lose their SEC champ so 2 at-large selections
Orange would have ACC Champ plus at-large

the BEast champ gets spot, but no tie in

so 10 spots, 6 already filled
have to figure either Boise St. or TCU will get one as probably undefeated and guaranteed a spot

other at larges
SEC will almost certainly get a 2nd team in
ACC/ B EAst will NOT get a 2nd team in under any circumstances
B12 will NOT get a 2nd team in unless an undefeated TX loses their champ game, then a weak team from the north gets auto bid and TX would be a strong candidate for an at large
PAC-10, if USC is the champ a 2 loss Oregon team will NOT get a bid; a 2 loss USC team might
Notre Dame is a player with 2 losses
Boise St/ TCU lower ranked team doesn't get auto bid, but may get at large selection

so let's look at this as a possible scenario- 3 spots left and you're looking at
these possible at large teams
11-1 Alabama
10-2 USC
12-0 TCU
11-1 Iowa
10-2 Notre Dame
It'll be a close thing to think Iowa get in
Oh there's a chance with 1 loss, not a great one, but a chance.

Really, I happen to think there would be a great chance. There are 4 at large bids. Boise St will probably get 1 but tell me 3 other teams that would finish 2nd in their conference that would get selected over an 11-1 Co-Champ of the Big 10.
I'm pretty sure we're in with one loss. Don't you only need to be in the top 16 or something like that?
I don't see how under ANY scenario Notre Dame or SC would get a bid over the Hawks. That being said, I'm not worried too much about the possibility of that anyway, because WE, meaning the Hawks, control our own destiny, as long as we keep taking care of business and winning. I think we need to keep focusing on 1 game at a time, and leave the speculation to the talking heads, who in actuality, don't know much more than we do about how the next 4 weeks will unfold in the College Football world. Go Hawks!
It is football. and we have barely won a game or two. So in your scenarios, it wouldn't be out of the question to see the Hawks go 3-1, BUT winning at OSU and losing one at home. Not as likely of a chance, but a possibility nonetheless. That loss could come this week and we would be SOL, or vs. Mn and then what? I'm not wishing, but I'm just saying.
I see a lot of hawkeye colored shades coloring peoples perspectives.
I agree that if Iowa wins out the have a shot (with a lot of help) for the NC game.
If they have 1 loss, and don't get the B10 auto bid; there is still a very good chance they make the BCS. But to think it a LOCK is making a lot of assumptions.

to get an at-large selection a team must have a final BCS ranking of 14, it's conceivable that Iowa could fall below this...

1.If Iowa loses the human polls are going to punish us. They are doing everything already to rationalize our success, if we slip they can justify all their UNI, Ark St. criticism.

2. the computers are what is propping up our rating now as we are #1 based mostly off our SOS. That will likely slip as we have 3 'dogs' coming up
Indiana is around a #80 team
NW is in the 70s
Minnesota is in the 50s
we are also helped by Arizona's high rating, they have Cal, ASU, Oregon and USC left; 3 of the 4 are on the road- odds are they drop
also ISU actually not hurting us now- when has anyone won betting them odds?

3. I count 16 other teams right now with 0 or 1 loss. Obviously that number will be pared down but there are only going to be 3 at-large spots left. There will be other undefeated/ 1 loss teams that have good fan bases who travel and have name brand recognition.
A 1 loss Alabama or Florida team would definitely be selected
A 2 loss Alabama/ Florida or LSU team very possibly could be selected
A Texas loss to Okie St. keeping them out of B12 title game/ or there loss in a title game would be a possible selection
I still think a 2 loss USC/ Notre Dame team would be a coin flip with a 1 loss Iowa team.
An undefeated Boise St. team, who missed out on auto bid because it went to TCU could also be a selection over Iowa, especially if Oregon continues to roll

Iowa wins out, it's NC game. The computers are pushing us to the number 3 spot when after an @OSU win. (Pollsters only have to move us to 5th spot and Iowa will move to 3 over texas.) Which would move Iowa to 2nd once bama or florida losses.

Iowa losses to OSU, no BCS because the conf record would be tied and OSU would have the tiebreaker. OSU drops a game and PSU wins out and we lose to OSU, Iowa is in the Rose Bowl.

So the chances of Iowa making a Rose Bowl are completely dependent on Three Games:
1. Iowa vs OSU
2. OSU vs PSU
3. OSU vs Michigan

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