Interesting quote from Coker's new coach


Well-Known Member
The Quote: Q: You have Adrian Coxson (transfer from Maryland) coming in. Will you be looking to throw to him?
A: We led the Football Championship Subdivision in passing efficiency (143.1). The reality of our offense is that it creates a lot of one-on-one situations with the safeties. We’ll lull you to sleep with the running game and if the safeties want to get involve in tackling, we’ll utilize our receivers in big-play opportunities.

This question and answer from a link in Gazette article about running backs.

I am hoping G Davis is better at using the running game to set up consistent big plays in the passing game and a much improved passing efficiency than was KOK.

I just love the part of the quote "[basically if they stack the box], we'll utilize our receivers in big-play opportunities".

How will G Davis change our passing game?
You lost me. What are you asking?

Oh I have always thought along with many fans that the hawk offensive coaches never went for the kill shot, the jugular, to make big plays and put an opponent away.

I just didnt think KOK schemed enough to score more points.

I think G DAvis will boost our scoring output over the long run and I just wanted to know how people thought he might do that.
Coming off of one of the best statistical offensive years in history, and O'Keefe still gets the shaft. I don't get it.
Coming off of one of the best statistical offensive years in history, and O'Keefe still gets the shaft. I don't get it.

simple Iowa fans get on a hate fixation with a coah and they refuse to let go, as if a particular coach can control everything in winning and losing, KOK will be the whipping boy for years in FB.
just like Alford who never had a overall losing season and yet he is to blame for the mess that Lick brought the program down to.
face it Iowa fans have the self entitlement coming to them.
Lute had 1 Final 4, before that you have to go back to 59 to find another appearance, and yet the fans act if they deserve to be in the final 4 every year and win the BT title constantly.
and no team is allowed to beat Iowa in any sport
Coming off of one of the best statistical offensive years in history, and O'Keefe still gets the shaft. I don't get it.

Stats, you saying stats, are you kidding me (in the voice of Jim Mora sayign "playoffs!!!)


The quote was about going for big plays, setting up your opponent.

Do you remember the Hawk offense only managing 21 points at Minny last year. Yeah stats were big for coker rushing. but the hawks scored about one half the points every other team was scoring against Minny.

And all the years we would only score about 20 against NW. yikes.
simple Iowa fans get on a hate fixation with a coah and they refuse to let go, as if a particular coach can control everything in winning and losing, KOK will be the whipping boy for years in FB.
just like Alford who never had a overall losing season and yet he is to blame for the mess that Lick brought the program down to.
face it Iowa fans have the self entitlement coming to them.
Lute had 1 Final 4, before that you have to go back to 59 to find another appearance, and yet the fans act if they deserve to be in the final 4 every year and win the BT title constantly.
and no team is allowed to beat Iowa in any sport

If you're not Ghost you're someone very much like him.
the op hit on a quote about setting up deep pass plays with the run. Which is what KOK was often trying to do. we went for a lot of long pass plays the past couple years, just did not connect as often as we would have liked.
Fine, great, cool quote (I guess).
I guess I'm more concerned about Coker's ability to redshirt this year.
Last year was not one of the best offensive stat years in history. It was a solid year, but ppg and moving the ball on third down we're waaaay too inconsistent.

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